Tweets of the Day

Sep 11, 2009 00:00

  • 00:40 Going to bed now. Light on again. Night night twitterland x #
  • 06:56 On the way to work. Missed my workout again. Sleeping with the light on definitely doesn't help in that respect. It's going off tonight. #
  • 07:51 Apparently I missed @tommcfly and @tomfelton arranging a sort of date last night! Bless them both. I wanna go to their next London show now. #
  • 10:18 Breaktime and eating fruit again. Yum. #
  • 13:03 Lunchtime. Having a nice salad for lunch. Yum. #
  • 15:18 Breaktime. Just been having a laugh at some funny names. Going out for dinner tonight. To the pub. Should be good. #
  • 15:21 Some woman just fed a pigeon,then caught it,put it in a plastic bag and walked off?!! Shepherds bush.......not for (cont) #
  • 17:26 In the pub, just ordered our food. Hope it's quick coz I'm hungry! #
  • 18:17 Food was lovely. Just waiting for dessert now! #
  • 19:00 On the way home now. Dessert was nice. #
  • 21:52 Apparently Aragog is gone. My dad said he was on the landing this morning. I don't know if I believe him or not =/ #
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