Eric Holder's "Assault Weapon" Ban Not Gaining Much Support

Mar 19, 2009 15:46

Weeks after United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced he was seeking to reinstate the 1994 Federal "Assault Weapons" Ban, which had failed miserably to have any impact on
crime rates, dozens of Congressional Democrats wrote an open letter to Holder to inform him they will NOT be supporting the ban. In their letter, made public by the NRA-ILA, mirrored the published findings that the 1994 ban did not work to reduce violent crimes, was an unnecessary burden on law-abiding gun owners, and that the gun control community has been intentionally misleading the public with their rhetoric. Click to read for your self [800kb PDF].

I'm fiscally conservative, and socially liberal... But, to date, I have ALWAYS voted against anyone who supports gun control, when given an alternative. Hypothetically, if there were someone with whom I agreed with on 99% of the topics - but they favored gun control - I would probably vote for their rival. Maybe if their rival was a total Communist, or a war criminal, I'd reconsider (or just move). It may sound a little weird, but the way I see it... the way our nations founding fathers saw it... As long as we maintain the Second Amendment, the people can always defend their other rights one way or another. However, if we lose our rights to legally bear arms, it's only a matter of time before we lose all our other rights. As the Father of the Bill of Rights, George Mason, had stated - disarming the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them.

I suspect informed lawfully-armed community have reminded their lawmakers what happened to the previous regime, after they voted the original ban in. Hopefully Holder & Friends continue to feel the pressure. I finally feel better about paying my NRA dues. While I'm not always thrilled by the NRA's course of action (or seeming lack thereof), I haven't yet found a more influential or effective organization poised to help protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners. And, the NRA Institute for Legislative Action webpage is a great one-stop-site, for all the latest news on legislative acts for and against gun owners.

firearms & tools, misc, liberty

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