It’s *that* time again! Time for Orny’s Hexannual Universal Internal Vernal Underwear Interval!
Umm… what?
If you were with me back in 2013, you’d know that I discovered that I have an internal timer which universally goes off every six years in the springtime. This extremely precise biological clock provides me with absolutely vital information: i.e. it’s time to buy new underwear!
Woman with panties on her head cosplaying Ayame from the anime
Shimoneta When I discovered this longstanding HUI-VUI phenomenon back in March 2013, I published
my shocking findings in a reputable scholarly journal (my blog). Toward the end of that peer-reviewed research paper, I confidently declared, “Now I can go and update my calendar and add ticklers for the next two decades of regularly-scheduled $100 underwear purchases: in March 2019, 2025, and 2031!”
Obv, now that the aforementioned and long-awaited March 2019 is now upon us, it’s time for your esteemed author to once again sally forth in new briefs!
… and there was much rejoicing.
See ya in 2025, peeps! 🙋♂️