Kickass Movie

Apr 17, 2010 09:40

Oh. My. God.

This movie was so awesome. When I saw the first round of trailer, I had this weird impression that it was some spoof!snark superhero movie. Needless to say, it didn't exactly catch my attention.

THEN. I saw Hit Girl's red band trailer and realized that this movie just might be somewhere in the vicinity of CRACKTASTIC. And it was. It's an action/comedy with a few good doses of serious moments. I thought it balanced out fairly well. The action was ridiculously fun and the one liners had me snickering much too loudly for a theater.

I wasn't that fond of Dave in the beginning, but I was definitely cheering for him by the end of the movie. I could have done without his romantic plot to what's-her-name though. It just really wasn't all that important to the story (in my opinion). My roommate is bringing me home the graphic novel and apparently that romance isn't in there. Anyway, that's aside from the point of this being an awesome movie.

It has two parallel storylines throughout. There's Kickass (Dave!) in his attempt to be a vigilante. He gets beat up, he sort of saves people, he accidentally stumbles his way into problems he definitely can't handle. It's fun. It's also really, really painful to watch him fight because he has a tendency to get his face smashed in.

Then there's Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Dave looks like a wannabe next to him. Well, technically, he is a wannabe, but only at first! They're awesome and vicious and watching them just tear people down is so brutal and efficient that it's painful to watch them take out the bad guys. It probably doesn't help that we get some nice closeups of head-shots and watching guys get smooshed in cars or kersploding via microwave (yes, really). Their storyline is more serious, but it's integrated well with Dave's plot.

The star of the movie is easily Hit Girl. The character is ten and the actress is thirteen, but she delivers crude, hilarious, and super snarky lines without missing a beat. And the way that she just rips through all those evil minions? AWESOME. I think I had similar sentiments to one of Dave's friends upon seeing her awesomeness.

"I think I'm in love!"
"She looks like she's eleven."
"I don't care! I'll wait. I want to save myself for her."

Anyway, go see it. I wish there was another female that I liked half as much as Hit Girl because I'd totes write some future!fic slashing her. Oh well. Maybe a crossover with something.

GO SEE IT. Also, I suppose I should warn you that it's graphically brutal (but pretty quick, so I didn't get squicked out by it too much).

hit girl, thoughts, kick ass

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