Fic: "Perfect Knots" 2/? (Cara/Kahlan, Legend of the Seeker)

Apr 01, 2010 00:57

Title: Perfect Knots
Author: orange_creative
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth
Pairing(s): Cara/Kahlan (main), scenes with Cara/OC, Cara/Kahlan/Richard
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "Even though it was right her in front of her, she knew she was missing something very important."
Warnings: Mord-Sith sexytimes aka S&M.
word count: 2,440
Author's Note: To create the story I wanted to write, I mixed up aspects of the book-verse, teevee-verse, and my own ideas to make it happen. Just go with it. It's set in a vague timeline somewhere in Season 2 of LotS. It'll probably just sort itself into an AU as I progress with the story. Unbeta'ed.
Disclaimer: Copyrights associated with Legend of the Seeker and the Sword of Truth do not belong to me.

Part 1


"Stand up." Cara snapped the whip against Elina's ass, causing both brunettes to startle. "Against the wall."

Elina was upright in a moment thanks to the stinging, teasing leather. Before she could get her bearings, Kahlan watched as Cara used her free hand to shove Elina against the side of the stall. Cara's hand had stayed pressed to the small of Elina's back, pinning her to the rough grain of wood.

Slowly, the red leather clad hand smoothly traversed up Elina's pale back, to her neck and around until Cara was gripping Elina's jaw. Kahlan was a little taken aback by the dangerous sensuality that Cara was exuding. Kahlan had seen it after the heat of battle, the way Cara sometimes caressed her agiels by the campfire, but never quite like this.

Cara forced Elina to look directly at Kahlan, causing her bound hands to press into her cheek. "You'll not take your eyes off the Mother Confessor. Understood?" Elina nodded emphatically as she obediently locked her brown eyes on the woman in white.

Cara didn't do anything for a moment, staring purposefully at Kahlan. The question hadn't been just for Elina. Kahlan gave a curt, miniscule nod. Cara let out a pleased hum that made Kahlan swallow a lump in her throat that settled somewhere lower. She tore her blue eyes to Elina's bright brown. She did not expect to see them filled with wanton desire, hooded and glazed but not unfocused. Kahlan felt like Elina was looking into her, at her, and through her all at once. As the Mother Confessor, she could easily read the truth in anyone's eyes, but she felt that anyone would be able to tell that Elina was present and exactly where she wanted to be.

Suddenly, Elina's eyes clenched shut and she let out a cry, but her eyes were open not a moment after, settling on Kahlan again. Kahlan had barely noticed that Cara had stepped back and struck the whip at the back of Elina's thighs. Cara brought her arm back again and again until Elina sported at least a dozen new pink lines that were scattered from the bottom of her ass to just above her knees. By the sound each strike made, Kahlan knew that it Elina must be feeling the smarting touch of the whip.

As if reading Kahlan's mind, Cara asked her captive, "Did that hurt, pet?" The young girl whimpered as she nodded. "And you liked it, didn't you?"

This time the nod was accompanied by a moan tinged with longing. Kahlan still didn't understand why they were both taking so much pleasure from this, but she could not deny that they were. Their sexual energy rolled off them so powerfully that it was filling the stall, surrounding Kahlan. She could feel it, this thick air of sexuality pushing against every part of her. She was almost afraid to breath, as if by doing so she would take in their aura without being able to breathe it back out.

Cara brought the end of the whip up to the top of Elina's back, trailing it up and down, following the lines of earlier welts. Kahlan's eyes couldn't help but follow the movements, wondering what action Cara would take next. Like a snake, the whip suddenly crashed against Elina's cheek, just above the strip of cotton. Elina's head would have lurched back if she wasn't already up against the wall.

"Did I say you could look away?" Cara snapped.

As if the reproach had been directed at Kahlan, she instinctively flicked her eyes back to Elina's, though the younger woman's were shut. Kahlan mentally shook herself as a reminder that she was not a part of what was happening on the other side of the horse stall. Still, every blow, every cry from Elina, every word dripping from Cara's mouth felt like tangible strings encircling her one by one until she didn't know which parts were keeping her enraptured.

Cara hadn't brough the whip back, but continued pressing it harshly against the younger woman's cheek. The pain pricked tears from Elina's eyes, still closed tightly. She opened them, breathing quick and rough through her nose, and her gaze ever settled on Kahlan. There was no askance for help or rescue.

"No, I didn't." Cara forcefully made Elina shake her head with the pressure of the rigid whip.

Kahlan wished she could tell Cara to be gentler or that she didn't need to add humiliation, but she couldn't find her voice. She had stayed here as the Mother Confessor, but that title held no authority here. This was Cara's realm.

The Mord-Sith relented on Elina briefly and started tapping and caressing the side of Elina's hip with her free hand. She spoke softly, with sarcastic surprise, "Did you disobey me on purpose?"

Elina broke out into despairing sobs, as if the very thought that she would do such a thing was more abhorrent to her than it was to her Mord-Sith mistress.

"No? Then that means you're just a bad pet who can't listen." Cara said in mock surprise, a ghost of a feral smile on her lips. Her eyes gleamed with excitement and her voice dripped like tainted honey. "Bad pets must be punished."

Kahlan couldn't bring herself to turn and leave, even with the knowledge that whatever this was, it was beyond consensual. It was shameless ardor, freely given and taken. Cara and Elina were eagerly filling their roles for each other, anticipating and expecting. Kahlan was truly starting to comprehend that there was something to appreciate. She just didn't know why or what it was exactly. Even though it was right her in front of her, she knew she was missing something very important.

Kahlan watched as Cara stepped closer to begin doling her punishment, the whip touching the inside of Elina's ankles. "Spread your legs."

Kahlan felt a flush that encompassed not only her face, but it crawled down her throat and faded into her cleavage. She was aware that this was going to turn sexual and she knew that she was getting disturbingly aroused. Her hands were gripping her dress tightly, her arms pressed hard against her torso and breasts.

When Kahlan had first made the decision to stay, she didn't think that Cara's deliverance of pain had the ability to arouse her. She had thought the violence and violation would have strongly deterred any notion of real pleasure. It wasn't just Cara though. Elina's open acceptance of everything Cara gave her stripped away the distaste and left them as two women who were thoroughly enjoying the other. And they knew that she was watching.

As soon as Elina had widened her stance to Cara's satisfaction, the blonde stepped back again. The whip gleefully came into play, striking between Elina's legs, her intimate flesh. The wet slap caused Kahlan's mouth to open in surprise, a gasp sneaking into her lungs, the sound covered by a loud indulgent moan from Elina.

Cara's eyes hardended, intensified, and she delivered half a dozen more blows, each harder than the last. Her bottom lip found it's way into her mouth, suckled and harassed ungently by her teeth. One slap caught Elina's clit and sent bolts of electrified pleasure throughout her body, the brunette's legs trembling as her first orgasm overtook her, moaning and trying to suck in air desperately around the gag. It was quick and all-consuming, leaving her dazed but standing. Again, and she stopped seeing all but a shape of white in front of her. Another, and she couldn't remember anything but the white heat between her legs. It was the Mord-Sith's last stroke and she kept the whip pressed against Elina's weeping heat, waiting until the girl regained her senses. When she came to, Cara started rubbing the whip back and forth until Elina started following the motion with her hips, impatiently trying to find firmer friction.

Cara chuckled from deep within her chest. "It hurts so much, doesn't it? You're sensitive, but the pleasure undoes you."

A part of Kahlan realized this was more for her benefit than Elina's. The punishment had little do with pain or pleasure, benefits in their own regard but creating a civil war within Elina's body where she had to concede to oneto attain amazing heights of the other.

Cara pressed and Elina's entire body quaked, her orgasm intense but silent. Kahlan blinked at the shudder that ran through her body. It left her light-headed, her eyes slightly unfocused.

Elina's legs gave out, her body slack. She dangled by her wrists for a savored moment before Cara was by her side. Nimble fingers untied the cloth from her hands and the Mord-Sith caught Elina before she fell and gently lowered her to the ground. She was still overwhelmed, her breathing long and labored.

Cara was on her knees to the side and rolled Elina onto her back. Leather-clad fingers brushed away the hair covering the young woman's face, the exhausted brunette instinctively turning her head to follow the blonde's touch.

Cara leaned down and Kahlan barely heard the blonde whisper against the other girl's lips, "Once more."

"I don't... I can't..." Elina trailed off, barely shaking her head.

Kahlan was biting her lip, her mind begging the girl to acquiesce. She couldn't imagine this ending with refusal. This connection she had to them was so fragile.

"You can. You will." Cara breathed.

Elina nodded, her eyes closing and her last full breath expelling in a long, boneless sigh. She spread her legs slowly, her body still too drained to move with much agility. Cara settled herself between them and sat back on her heels, slipping off one of her gloves. She set it to the side, between herself and Kahlan. Both of their eyes lifted from the red leather and met. It felt as if by chance, that this moment could have been missed if either had been looking elsewhere a moment longer. Neither could look away, trapped by the intensity reflected by the other.

Kahlan felt Cara's eyes devouring her, scoring her with their hunger. She felt the desire building between them, different and the same as the suddenly forgotten girl on the floor. Kahlan licked her lips, anxious and anticipating, knowing one of them wasn't going to be able to resist much longer from moving to the other. They shared an odd awareness of each other, in this distant world of desire where control forgot itself.

Just as Kahlan watched Cara turn toward her, lift slightly from her kneeling position, just as she lifted her back from the stable gate to meet the blonde, Elina shifted. The barest noise of scuffled hay broke their trance. Their eyes stayed locked, but wide and confused with a trace of fear.

Cara abrubtly turned back to Elina, severing their connection. Kahlan felt herself sag against the gate, then slide down, overcome with what could have happened. She had wanted Cara so much in that brief, endless moment. She knew she still felt an uncomfortable tension between them, too tangible to just disappear just because they were no longer looking at each other.

Kahlan forced her eyes away from Cara, needing respite, only to find that Elina was watching her. They were filled with knowing and Kahlan felt stripped bare, her truth visible for anyone to see. She was aroused, but it was tempered by the realization that something inside her had changed. She didn't understand it yet, this confusing swirl of her emotions, but she knew it was there.

Cara kept her focus on her ungloved hand as it dragged down Elina's stomach and down to soaked brown curls. She traced her fingertips through the wetness, teasing, until two slowly slipped inside. She pushed them in deep, the heel of her palm pressing against Elina's swollen and sensitive clit.

The young woman breathed out a moan at the penetration and smiled at Kahlan. "Please, please." She begged, but her eyes spoke more to Kahlan, "Feel me." Her hips canted into Cara's thrusting hand.

Like blowing on hot coals, Kahlan's arousal burst into a scalding flame again. It momentarily burned away her uncertainty. She knew then that she was very much mistaken about merely being an observer. She was as much a part of Cara and Elina's dynamic trading of pleasurable and pain as they were. Her breathing started to pitch, coming out in pants, synchronized with Elina's as the younger woman frantically ground her heat against Cara's fingers, her palm.

The gag in Elina's mouth muffled her scream of release, though not the fury of which it hit her. It was a long moment before her body shaking and she started breathing again, her lungs exerting themselves to recover air. Kahlan sucked in a deep lungful herself, not noticing that she had held her breath at Elina's climax and her body thrumming like a struck chord. She closed her eyes, feeling the separate parts of her body quiver, enticing her to relieve herself.

She wouldn't though. She was the Mother Confessor and she knew control. Her would not let her body betray her now.


Kahlan swallowed first before responding, but her voice still came out a raspy whisper. "Cara." She slowly opened her eyes, willing her expression into utter stillness. Blank. Unbothered. Reigning in her emotions helped her focus.

Cara wasn't looking at her, but at the ground between them. Kahlan would say she was expressionless as well, but a tightness at her mouth, the averted gaze, gave her away. She was bothered, but that was the only finger Kahlan could put on it.

"She's passed out. I have to dress her and take her home." Only then did Cara's eyes flicker up to meet Kahlan's.

Those green-tinged eyes still hungered. They wanted something Elina had been unable to give and they wanted it from Kahlan. Touch, and pleasure reciprocated. Yet, the blonde's eyes also held a sadness that begged Kahlan to leave. The flicker of vulnerability caused an urge swell up within Kahlan, to gather Cara in her arms and draw her down into the hay. To whisper words like I'm still here. Kahlan felt the beginning of tears prick at the corner of her eyes and quickly looked away.

She surged to her feet and murmured in a voice that was far too shaky than she would have preferred, "Right. Later, then."

She closed the the stable gate on the image of Cara reaching for her abandoned glove and let her long strides take her back to the inn. She wondered what later would mean.

To Be Continued...

femslash, fanfic, cara/kahlan, legend of the seeker, fic: perfect knots

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