My Star Trek fandom

Nov 17, 2008 13:42

Yesterday, Samantha and I went with friends to see  Quantum of Solace.  We were fortunate enough to be in one of the theaters that showed the new Star Trek trailer.  It will never be what the original series was, but I am still looking forward to it. The fact that Leonard Nimoy agreed to have anything to do with it does give me hope, despite some reservations.

Everybody remembers their first real fandom. Mine was Star Trek. I watched the show religiously as a kid, when it went into it's first wave of syndication in the late '60's, early '70's. I wanted to be Spock, all cool and logical. As I got to be older and hormones kicked in, I wanted to be Kirk, intergalactic ladies man.  People called me Captain Kirk and I loved it. :)  I'm far from James Kirk, however, and I know that my wife is thankful for that !

I had my doubts about  The Next Generation when it premiered. I was won over from the beginning. This was Star Trek, the way that I remembered it. DS9 took me a little longer to warm up to, but now I personally see it as the pinnacle of  Star Trek writing. That said, there is a clear shift of emphasis from Gene Roddenberry's bright future, to a darker universe. I liked Voyager and Enterprise,  but found them to many times be a rehash of old ideas, or just not quite right. Both had their high, points,  however, and I particularly love the last season of Enterprise. Manny Coto made a huge difference there.

In short, I may not show it as much, but my Star Trek fandom is every bit as strong as my Doctor Who fandom, and is definitely my first. It's so much more accessible here (always running on some television station) , so I've never bought  much as far as Star Trek DVDs or videos.

I just wanted to give a Trek shout out to all the other fans out here!

star trek, fandom

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