Catch-Up Post or The Last Week

Nov 10, 2008 13:21

Last Monday was my birthday. My wife and I went out to O' Charley's for a meal, and then to Best Buy. I was shocked to see how much  they'd downsized the CD and DVD departments. Downloading is taking its toll, and I'm feeling every bit the old timer that my birthday would indicate. Yes, it's more green to do everything digitally, but I love my cover art, packaging, etc. Went through the same thing when CDs replaced LPs. Hell, I still think LPs sound better on a good audiophile quality system.

Anyway, Samantha bought me the Heroes Volume 2 DVD set and AC/DC's Black Ice CD for my birthday. I did receive some money from her family and from my Mom, so I bought myself the 4-disc collector's edition of Blade Runner and a couple of pairs of jeans (which I desperately needed).

We watched the BBC series Black Books last week, and I loved it. Oh, it's not my favorite series, but it's damned funny and sarcastic. I highly recommend it to those who have never seen it.

Mowed the lawn on Saturday and went to my Aunt's birthday party Sunday afternoon after visiting another church on Sunday morning.

My brother-in -law and 2 of my sisters-in-law are not doing well, health-wise, and I just found out today that one of our good friends had a heart attack over the weekend (this after just being laid off a few weeks ago).  I am very concerned over all of them.

I'm in the beginning stages of helping with a short film, which is a very good thing. I've not given my creativity a workout in a while.

And that's the name of that tune.

creativity, friends, samantha, life, birthday

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