
Jul 07, 2008 23:54

I like my collection of different coloured wristbands with "Bluesfest Volunteer" printed on them. I have four colours now. Green, blue, purple, yellow.

I like the food tent and its varying meals. Its roast beef or Thai chicken or pogos and hamburgers or cannelloni. I think it's funny that I decided just before noon today that I was going to give up on pop for a while - and then all I could find to drink at the food tent was Pepsi. Oh well. I'll try this no-pop thing again after Bluesfest.

I like some of the food places they have on the festival site, most specifically the desserts. I liked the chocolate fondue, liked the gelato, liked the lemonade.

I liked how, although Kristin's folding chair in the food tent collapsed quite suddenly and horrifically, and it was quite scary, we were laughing about it almost as soon as it'd happened.

I like always having friends in reach, but being able to cope when I'm alone. I like people, really, as much as I insist that I don't. I like the absolute variety of interesting folks that this volunteering brings out. Of course there's a variety within the few thousand volunteers, but I like seeing it on the smaller scale within the Lottery Tent, where I work. I like a few of the people who work at my tent a whole lot, something I already suspected but knew for certain when I spoke to these people for a while tonight because tonight is the only night I volunteered without Shawna around and so I had to speak to people.

I like that people can still surprise me; that even those I pinned as being miserable can prove me wrong by dancing, quite freely, to James Taylor.

I like being quite literally surrounded by music all night. Tonight was Matt Good and then James Taylor. Quite different, both fantastic. I like being able to lounge on the grass and write in my Moleskine journal with live music as background noise.

I liked calling my mother and putting my phone on speaker so she could hear a particular favourite James Taylor song, when she and Dad had decided against coming to the show.

I like that, when I made one of my now-customary "Positive Things!" lists in my Moleskine, I didn't run out of things to write, and only stopped when I reached the end of the second page.

I like how, despite my not working at Bluesfest tomorrow night, I'm still going to be there, surrounded by friends, seeing a few bands and musicians whose music I don't know, as such, but who seem right up my alley.

I like how the act I'm most interested in, namely Ms. Martha Wainwright, is playing on the last day of the festival... and so everything else is acting as a sort of lead-up.

I like volunteering at Bluesfest. A lot.

life!, positivity!, rl, bluesfest, friends, concerts

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