Sewing Back. Is this a recognized ailment? Because... y'know. It really should be.
I really quite adore my sister-in-law's sewing machine, though. I borrowed it last night when mine refused to work, and... well. It works better than mine ever has. EVER. Weird part of this: they're the exact same model. What is up?
Anyway, got lots of work done on my
costume tonight. Still have lots to do (rest of lining, butterflies, touch-ups, wig-styling, etc.) Running very low on time, as we're en route to Toronto as of mid-Thursday. Still, I can stay up late tomorrow night if need be, and then maybe sleep in the van. Maybe. (A part of me really, truly enjoys the thrill of last-minute costuming. I suppose this, to me, feels like quintessential part of attending conventions. Road trips and panic attacks. So good!)
I'll have you know that I had a moment or two yesterday wherein I considered going to see Rufus in Albany. In Albany. The Albany bus station is basically like purgatory if not worse, where the cafeteria staff yells at you for no good reason and where the bus driver seems to vanish, leaving you stranded en route to the significantly nicer New York City. But it's the first time I've seen a North American Rufus show announced in a while ("But Leslie," you say, "you just saw him back in February!"), so I had that desperate moment. Here's hoping he comes to Ottawa sometime in the plausible future. ... or at least Montreal or Toronto. Oh, Rufus. I miss you, bb!
My weekend was nothing if not... decently busy, I guess.
I went to see a couple of musicians at Irene's Pub in the Glebe on Friday night, and ended up buying the third-most-recent album by one of them (Andrea bought the most recent, Jenny bought the second-most-recent), and just generally having a pretty great time.
Saturday, I had a haircut, and then I went for a cake date with Shawna, and then to IKEA. We scoped out things for our apartment (!), and got some pretty great ideas. We planned out a lot of our painting, for which I'm surprisingly excited, considering I'm not such a huge fan of painting. (I always think I am, then realize how much work it really is.) Also, we ate hot dogs. IKEA HOT DOGS. Oh my goodness, why are they so delicious?
Sunday, I went shopping with my mother, and bought myself some sheets, a towel, and... I think that's it. Oh, and 30 Rock on DVD. BECAUSE THAT WAS REALLY NECESSARY. But oh my goodness, I've gotten so addicted to that darn show! Then I went to Chris & Jenny's to watch Friday's Battlestar Galactica which we'd all missed because of Friday's pub-type misadventures. Then we watched Saturday's SNL, which was sadly underwhelming. Also, I was disappointed at the lack of Andy Samberg. He's the best!
Monday, I lazed around, basically. Lazed around and worked a bit(ish) on my costume and then went to watch some Star Wars at Chris & Jenny's. And enjoyed the fact that it was a long weekend. I did that for sure.
I was feeling really weird and kind of sad last night and I couldn't even figure it out enough to write anything down and work things out that way. Basia Bulat's album is an amazing thing, just as anything can be an amazing thing, I suppose, when it's exactly what you need at the given time. She's really good for that, though. In fact, gratuitous music time! (It's how I roll!)
Oh, My Darling
Little Waltz
Why Can't It Be Mine