One of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to turn my alarm off for the weekend. The idea of a deep, uninterrupted sleep is remarkable.
Clothing swap at Heather's earlier on tonight. I got rid of a bunch of stuff (not that people really took it, but at least I got rid of it, right? I AM WINNING!), and got a bunch of cute new accessories. And a ridiculous, pun-based hat. Pictures later, perhaps? Maybe not?! I don't know at this point in time.
It was pretty terrific, because after a lovely supper at Elephant & Castle, Jenny and I were taking the bus home, and I decided we needed to make a list of Positive Things!, because this seems to be my new favourite thing to do. (Positivity! POSITIVITY!) It turned into a sort of game where we took turns saying such things, and appreciating what the other had said, and I wrote them down. And then it sort of ventured into a more serious, thoughtful-talk place, and I put my Moleskine away.
I don't know if you know this about me, but deep, thoughtful conversations are one of my favourite things. I guess I just really like to talk. I don't even know how much validity any of my statements truly hold, but I just get into this groove wherein a train of thought just gets rolling (choo choo!), and I feel more sure of myself than I generally do. This type of conversation is all too rare in my life, and I always find myself disheartened when they end, as they will inevitably do.
It's actually stupid how much I've listened to
this song in the past few days. You know me & songs: I just get stuck on one or another and don't let it go until I've gained everything I can from it. I can't even form coherent reasons as to why I get so attached to some songs and not others, but it's something powerful that draws me in.
Don't mind me, I felt perfectly conscious until I got home and walked into my room. And then I was suddenly hit with this crazy wave of that really pleasant sort of tired, which apparently causes me to ramble like a fiend. Like a fiend.
I spent a great deal of my workday making cards for my mother: her birthday, and Mother's Day. Which, by the way, are on the same day this year. Anyway, I'm really pleased with the end result of my card-making (sister-in-law and brother agree that they are fabulous), and would share, but they're on the server at work. PSSH.
Tomorrow brings with it some shopping (moneyless shopping? BAD IDEA), prospective hangings-out with Maggie (who I haven't seen in forever), and then gamesgamesgames at the Nevermore. FABULOUS.