Journal of a Prince 7

Aug 11, 2010 21:02

Title: Journal of a Prince (Who didn’t know he was a prince)
Pairings: Kradam!
Summary: Kris is just a normal high school guy…until someone from his dad’s side of the family decides to pay a visit. This is loosely based on the Princess Diaries. Very AU!
Rating: PG to PG-13
Author's note: I know it's been forever and if you need to start from the beginning here's the link

Kris couldn't believe his ears. His mother was arguing with someone. That was almost a miracle because his mother never argued at all. He motioned for Allison and Adam to follow him upstairs quietly so they wouldn't disturb his mother. They made their way to the elevator that would lead up to his bedroom. While the stairs were conveniently located near front door, it was a tradition for the three to use the elevator.

When they reached Kris' room, all three friends burst into laughter. The sight of Kris' mom loosing her was almost too much. Adam flopped himself onto the bed and stopped laughing. "So what are you gonna do about "Bikini Girl"? I'm sure you won't be able to ignore for much longer. You know how desperate she is."

Kris shrugged his shoulders. "I really don't know. I'm hoping this whole thing will blow over. I mean people have stopped talking about that teacher and student who got caught right?"

Allison shrugged. "I guess. But then again not every school finds out that they have a prince at their school. You should be looking forward to some perks or something. I know I would."

Kris sat down in the blue mushroom chair he had since freshman year. "This whole thing seems so bogus. I mean why did my mom think I was never ready to hear this? Argh...there are too many questions."

Allison stood behind Kris and patted him on the back. "That's something you'll have to ask her. I mean dealing with in-laws is never easy. And I can just imagine how it is with royalty. You should ask about your grandmother."

Kris buried his head in his hands and groaned. "I hope I don't have to learn a family history or whatever. That is not my idea of fun."

"But what if you have to? Like in Anastasia?" Adam cut in.

Kris brought his head from his hands and glared. "That is not funny."

"Hey guys," Kris' mom popped her head around the door, "the food is ready if you want to help yourselves. And if you plan on staying late...make sure you call your parents."

A round of "thanks" rang through the room. The three friends decided to go down the stairs instead of using the elevator again.
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