Break Me, Shake Me (Final Chapter)

Dec 09, 2009 21:26

Final Chapter Title: I'll Never Stop Loving You
Pairing: Kradam/Cookleta with Fake!Lambchuleta.
Rating: Pg-Pg 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, David Cook, or David Archuleta or any songs that I mention.
Summary: AU! Kris and Katy have been divorced for a little over a year and Adam tries to convince Kris to move on with him. A major fight ensues and Adam has no idea how in the world to get Kris. Meanwhile, Archie is having problems with coming out that he and Cook are dating. Cook is frustrated and decides to break up with Archie. Can you guess what happens from there?
Adam checked his luggage over again. He had triple checked everything to make sure he didn’t miss anything important. He was definitely taking that overdue vacation after the video shoot. Just then his cell rang, he hoped that it was Kris, deep down he still help a small sliver of faith that Kris would come back to him.

Adam stared at the screen in disbelief. It was Giraud. He didn’t know what the blond wanted, but Adam answered. “Yo, what you need?”

“Just checking up on my favorite neighborhood pedophile. How are ya buddy?” Matt greeted.

Adam rolled his eyes. Trust Matt to come up with that kind of remark. “What do you want Matt? I’m pretty sure this isn’t a social call.”

“Yeah. I was just calling to see if the articles in the papers were true.”

“Matt you should know that they’re not.” Adam answered.

“Yeah, but still…that kiss on the cover of OK! was hot! I was hoping for a repeat performance!” Matt teased.

“Get your mind outta the gutter Giraud! There will not be a repeat performance, Cook will castrate me!”

Matt laughed. “Yeah I forgot about him. Anyways, what’s going on with you and Allen? The last time we talked, you were dead set on winning him over. What happened?”

Adam sighed. “We got into an argument and it didn’t end well. I met Archie and he invited me to stay at his place.”

“You let Allen keep the apartment? What’s wrong with you?” Matt practically screamed.

Adam winced. “He didn’t have anywhere else to go. So I let him stay there. He took over the rent since I haven’t been there in awhile.”

“You just gave the apartment over to him? What’s wrong with you? Wait…you’re seriously not waiting for him to change his mind are you? Adam…I’ve known you for three years now…you possibly can’t hope that a straight man is just gonna fall into your arms?” Matt asked him in disbelief.

“It’s not like that Matt and you know it. We had this connection all through Idol and it never faded. It seemed too good to be true. But he was married, so you know, nothing really got started. But then Katy began noticing different little things about Kris and then she realized that he was changing. It wasn’t long after that that she asked for the divorce. I think she always knew that Kris was in love with me, even if he didn’t realize it. I mean he still doesn’t realize it, but Katy gave me hope.” Adam sighed, he hated arguing with Matt.

Matt snorted through the phone. “Come on Adam. Even if Katy did give you some hope, you can’t expect Kris to just realize his feelings for you, if he had them in the beginning. But if by some miracle he does return those feelings, would you give him a chance?”

Adam stood there silent for a moment. Would he take Kris if he proved himself? That was a question that Adam almost couldn’t answer. If he did forgive Kris and they started to date, Adam almost wanted to take baby steps. The last week was proof enough that measures would have to be taken.

“I’d give him a chance. God help me, I’d give him a chance. It’d have to start slow…but I couldn’t not see what kind of relationship we’d have. I have to know.” Adam answered in a whisper.

He heard Matt sigh. “You have it so bad. I doubt you’d ever get over him. But you know, I’m rooting for you buddy. Maybe he’ll come to his senses. And hey, if it doesn’t work out, you can give me a try!” Matt quipped out playfully.

Adam laughed. “Giraud, there is no way you’re gay. You’re too much of a ladies man.”

“Yeah you’re right. The women would be too busy knocking on the door to get my attention or trying to kill you for taking me away from them.”

Adam laughed. “Yeah keep thinking that Matt. Anyways, I have to leave early to get to the airport. I’ll call you when I make it Ontario.”

“That sounds cool with me. What time are you leaving?”

“Around eight in the morning. My flight leaves at nine, so I want to be early to get through customs and all that.” Adam answered.

“And what gate is your flight?”

Adam raised an eyebrow. “Why do you do need Giraud? What are you planning?”

“Me? Plan something? Now come on Lambert, you know better than that. I may just want to give you a good bye kiss.”

“Some how, I don’t believe that. But it’s Gate 9 if you must know.” Adam answered. He knew Matt wouldn’t let him go to sleep until he got his answer.

“Thank you Adam!” Matt answered a little too cheerily.

“Good night Matt.”

“Night Adam, sweet dreams my little pedophile.”

“Damnit Matt!” But Adam’s response was cut off by the dial tone. Matt had hung on him.

Adam slammed his hand down on the alarm clock. He stretched and then looked around his room. The place was pretty much bare since he had all his stuff in a storage place. He was sure Archie would have let the stuff stay here, but Adam felt like he would be pushing the stuff on the kid.

Adam stood and found the outfit he laid out for the day. It was a simple pair of black jeans, a blue shirt, and jean jacket. It wasn’t one of his most glamorous outfits, but he wanted to lay low during his trip.

He slipped the outfit on and grabbed his suitcases. It was amazing that he was only taking two suitcases. But he decided that since he was taking a vacation, there was no need to stand out that much. He wanted to have a good time and he wanted to do so undetected. Adam adored his fans, but there were times that he just wanted to be himself without the fame.

He drug his stuff out into the living room and waited for Archie and Cook to come out of their room. Adam didn’t have to wait long, both men emerged not even two minutes after Adam left his room.

Archie smiled at Adam. “I guess you’re ready then.”

“Yeah. Thanks for everything Archie. It really was a blast. And I’ll most definitely miss you.” Adam told him.

Archie laughed. “This isn’t goodbye yet silly. We have to get you to the airport first.”

Adam gave him a sheepish smile. “Then lead the way Jeeves!”

The three men laughed and made their way downstairs. On the way to the car Adam couldn’t stop his thoughts. The conversation with Matt seemed a little odd, but also a little overdue. He thought as soon as Matt saw the magazine he would have called then. Adam ducked into the car and strapped in.

Adam gazed out the window and continued to think about the conversation. Matt had to have something up his sleeve. Sure it was normal for them to discuss Kris and Adam’s strange relationship after he had moved in. But after Adam moved out, he never called Matt and told him what happened. Someone had spilled the beans, but he didn’t know who. And besides, it didn’t really matter now. He was headed for Ontario and nothing could be done now.

They pulled up to the airport a half hour later. He opened his door and dug his suitcases out of the back seat. He grinned at Archie and headed inside. The airport was huge and Adam enjoyed it. The more people that were around, the less likely someone would recognize them. He drifted through the crowd and made his way through to customs. He turned around to face Archie and Cook.

“Thanks guys for putting up with me. I know it’s been a crazy week with everything, but I appreciate everything you’ve done.” Adam hugged them both.

Archie smiled. “It’s no problem. Your crazy plan half worked and who knows maybe one day Kris will come around.”

Adam pulled back. “I guess if I’m lucky. But hey, let’s quit with the sad talk. I’ll call you guys as soon as I land in Ontario. Okay?”

Archie nodded his head. “That sounds great. And if you need a place to stay when you get back, the door is open for you.”

“Great! We’ll have a party when I return!” Adam joked.

Cook rolled his eyes. “Take care Lambert. I don’t want Archie to cry because you’ve done something to yourself.”

Archie punched Cook in the arm. “We better get going. Later Adam.”

“Later Archie, Cook.” Adam returned.

Adam watched the two walk away before he turned around and went through customs. It was relatively easy. Adam had way too much practice with airports. He smiled at the lady and grabbed his suitcases. He then began to search Gate 9. This was the hardest part in his opinion. He had never been through Gate 9 in this particular airport, so he had a little trouble with it.

He finally spotted the right sign. Adam grinned and began his way to Gate 9. He was almost shaking in anticipation of what was to come. He had gone over some of the ideas for the video shoot and they were amazing. He would definitely be blowing some socks off if everything turned out as planned.

As Adam rounded the corner he was struck by the most beautiful sight. Kris was sitting by the gate’s entrance with his guitar in hand. Adam felt his throat close in anxiety. He had no clue as to what Kris was doing here and he was scared to find out. He was almost ready to bolt but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked to his side and saw Matt standing there.

Matt smiled at him. “Bet you didn’t think this was what I was planning didja?”

Adam shook his head. He then turned to Kris who was staring intently at him. “I know some things went bad between us and before you take off for Canada…I want to sing for you one last time.”

“When winter comes in summer, when there’s no more forever, that's when I'll stop loving you.” Kris began softly.

Kris looked at Adam and Adam felt his heart stop. “I'm sure you've heard these words before and I know it's hard for you to trust them once more. You're afraid it all might end.
And a broken heart is scared of breaking again, but you've gotta believe me.”

Kris then closed his eyes, it was as if Adam’s gaze was burning right into him. “I'll never leave you. You'll never cry long as I am there. And I will always be there, you will never be without love. As long as sunlight lights the sky, light of love will be found in these eyes of mine and I will shine that light for you. You're the only one, I'll ever give this heart to.”

“And when this world doesn't turn anymore, when the stars all decide to stop shining, til then I'm gonna to be by your side. I’m gonna be loving you forever, every day of my life.” Kris’ voice was now pouring out the emotions that he had kept locked up. To Adam, he had never sounded better. This song was from deep within Kris’ heart and was touching Adam’s with invisible tendrils.

“When winter comes in summer, when there's no more forever, when lies become the truth, that's when I'll stop loving you.” Kris ended the song and sat his guitar down on the floor. He looked at Adam with tears in his eyes. “I know I’ve been acting a jackass and I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me, but it took you leaving for me realize how much I love you. I know we can’t start off where we were, but maybe we can take baby steps and move up from there. Of course if it’s too late I understand and I’m sorry for wasting your time.” Kris babbled.

Adam broke into hysterical laughter. Tears were evident in his bright blue eyes. He walked up to Kris and tilted his head up. “Baby, after a song like that how could I not give you chance. I think you have a wonderful idea. Why don’t you come with me to Canada and we can work on things there? Away from everyone else?”

Kris’ face broke out with a large smile. “I’d like that very much.”
Adam leaned down and took Kris’ lips in a searing kiss. It looked like things were going right for once in his life. He knew then and there that whatever he and Kris had started was not going to end any time soon, and he was finally content.


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