Break Me, Shake Me

Nov 28, 2009 01:08

Chapter Title: Time for Miracles
Pairing Kradam/Cookleta with Fake!Lambchuleta.
Rating: Pg-Pg 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, David Cook, or David Archuleta.
Summary: AU! Kris and Katy have been divorced for a little over a year and Adam tries to convince Kris to move on with him. A major fight ensues and Adam has no idea how in the world to get Kris. Meanwhile, Archie is having problems with coming out that he and Cook are dating. Cook is frustrated and decides to break up with Archie. Can you guess what happens from there?

Adam glanced around the room, taking in who was there from Idol. From what Alison had told him, there were only going to be a few of the former Idols there. So far he had spotted Clay Aikan, Kelly Clarkson, Allison, and Fantasia. He knew some of the others that had performed during Idol. He was hoping to see Archie to check if Cook had made up with him.

Adam felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and came face to face with Archie and Cook. Adam smiled and gave them both a hug. He knew from the stupid grin that Cook had apologized spectacularly. Adam would ask him later in private. He figured it would be better to have that conversation in private.

“I’m glad to see you guys here!” Adam said as they headed towards the buffet table. Adam spotted a small stage on the way over.

“We almost didn’t make it.” Cook said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Adam rolled his eyes. “I really don’t want to hear about your sexual escapades. Archie is like my little bro and I really don’t want to know.”

Archie punched Cook in the arm. “I can’t believe you said that!”

Cook grinned at Archie. “What? I never said anything. I just implied.”

“COOK!” Archie yelled.

The whole room of people turned their heads to stare at the three friends. They stared for a moment and then went back to whatever they were doing. “Oh my gosh Cook. Just please keep your mouth shut if you’re gonna say things like that! I don’t want to be stared at for the rest of the night.”

“But baby! People are going to be staring at you anyway. How is that any different?” Cook asked, handing Archie his punch.

Archie tried to glare at Cook, but it didn’t work out like he wanted it too. Adam was giggling beside Cook. Archie just couldn’t pull the look off that well. “Anways Adam, the stage is for performances tonight. There will be a few VIP guests here tonight who will pick who will sing and what song. They were keeping it as a surprise until we got here.”

Adam just stood there in shock. They were going to be asked to sing? He hadn’t wanted to do anything like that live yet, which is why he was shooting the videos for his new album in Canada before a tour. He didn’t want to sing in front of Kris just yet. His emotions always ran free when he sang. Adam sighed and decided to just go with it. It wasn’t like he could refuse to sing anyway if he was picked.

“It’s cool, that’s a good idea.” The VIPs would be happy to hear songs in such a small setting. Adam always enjoyed small sessions like that. It really gave you a chance to connect on a whole new level with the audience.

Adam was floating around the crowd. He reconnected with some old friends and chatted it up with previous contestants. He was deep in his element. He was so busy that his mind was kept off things and that was good with him. He stopped to talk to Kelly Clarkson when he was tapped on the shoulder.

He turned around and Kara was studying him. Adam just stared back until she met his eyes. “You’re on next hon. We want you to sing Time for Miracles. You have five minutes to get your behind on stage.”

Adam glanced from Kara to the stage. He was trying to prepare himself earlier but his will power just wasn’t that strong tonight. He took a deep breath and smiled at Kara. He knew she would get the hint that he would go on.

Adam walked away from Kara and made his way over to the stage. Michael Sarver was singing right now. And then Adam would go on. He tried to put the last few days out of his mind but he couldn’t. He loved Kris far too much to just forget about him. He had never been serious about anyone before and it scared him. But he knew that if Kris had accepted him, they would have grown old together. They were both too stubborn to have any other kind of relationship.

Adam leaned against a pole. He was observing the crowd and how they were listening to Michael’s ballad. Most of them were standing close with their hand twined together. Adam let a small smile grace his face. It seemed that everyone was in love and it looked like a wonderful feeling.

Adam moved his gaze to the right and saw Kris. His heart stopped in his chest as he saw that Kris was with the woman from the apartment. They were basically glued together. Adam knew then that he definitely had to take that trip to Canada and make it a long one. He needed time to heal and Canada would be good for him.

Michael’s song ended and Kara took the stage. “Thanks for that wonderful performance Michael. Next up is our very own wild idol, Adam Lambert with Time for Miracles.” Kara placed the mic back on the stand and left the stage.

Adam took the stage and quietly observed the crowd. He then took the mic off the stand and brought it to his face. “Hey guys. It’s been awhile since I’ve sung this one. I hope you can forgive me if the great Adam Lambert messes up.”

The crowd laughed. Adam gave them a smile. “Thanks. I’m glad you’re so supportive. But seriously, I hope you guys enjoy this.”

“ It's late at night and I can't sleep, missing you just runs too deep. Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile” Adam tried not to look at Kris as he began the song in a whisper, but he failed.

“Every kiss I can't forget, this aching heart ain't broken yet. Oh God I wish I could make you see” Adam broke his gaze from Kris and tried to focus on Cook and Archie instead. He would sing this song for them.
“Cause I know this flame isn't dying, so nothing can stop me from trying. Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles, cause I ain't giving up on love. You know that maybe it's time for miracles cause I ain't giving up on love. No I ain't giving up on us” Adam felt someone staring at him intensely. He ignored the feeling. He was in his element now and nothing would distract him.

“I just wanna be with you, cause living is so hard to do when all I know is trapped inside your eyes. The future I cannot forget, this aching heart ain't broken yet. Oh God I wish I could make you see, cause I know this flame isn't dying, so nothing can stop me from trying.” Adam moved his gaze to Kris and saw that he was wrapped up with the woman. He closed his eyes and stopped the tears. He definitely had no future with Kris.

“Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles, cause I ain't giving up on love. You know that maybe it's time for miracles, cause I ain't giving up on love, no I ain't giving up on us..” Adam ended the song. He waited in silence until the crowd broke out in a soft applause.

He gave them a wry smile. “Thanks guys. That was too generous. I’m going to hand the mic to Kara now.” Adam handed her the mic and fled the stage.

Cook searched the crowd for Kris. He would get this thing straightened for Adam. He knew that there was something between the two men. He found Kris and followed him out into the lobby. He waited until the woman went into the bathroom and approached Kris.

“Allen we need to talk.” Kris turned his head toward Cook from where he was leaning against the wall.

“What about?” Kris answered.

“Adam Lambert. I’ve never seen anyone act so stupid before. He would give you everything and more if you would just give him the chance. But you let it slip through your fingers.” Cook answered crossing his arms.

“What do you mean? Adam wasn’t serious about me.”

Cook shook his head. “He stopped dating men when you and Katy got a divorce. He quit his wild partying to be there for you. And he let you stay at his apartment for free. You could have had a good thing with him, but you flushed it down the toilet and it’s too late now.”

Kris pulled himself away from the wall. “Why would it be too late?”

“Because tomorrow morning, bright and early, he’s going to Canada.” Cook answered.

“Why?” Was the short reply.
Cook shrugged. “Only Adam knows that answer. But if you ask me, I think he met someone that might be good for him. I’ve got to go, Archie is waiting for me.” With that Cook left Kris to ponder if he could change things between him and Adam.


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