Break Me, Shake Me

Nov 21, 2009 01:26

Chapter Title: Santa Monica by Savage Garden
Pairing Kradam/Cookleta with Fake!Lambchuleta.
Rating: PG-PG 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, David Cook, or David Archuleta.
Summary: AU! Each chapter has a song as its title. The song is how I want convey the feelings of the characters. Kris and Katy have been divorced for a little over a year and Adam tries to convince Kris to move on with him. A major fight ensues and Adam has no idea how in the world to get Kris. Meanwhile, Archie is having problems with coming out that he and Cook are dating. Cook is frustrated and decides to break up with Archie. Can you guess what happens from there?

Adam opened the door and stepped aside for Cook to enter. He waited silently for Cook begin. There was no way that he was going to start this conversation. He hoped that whatever Cook had on his chest, he would get it off soon. Adam had a party to get ready for in a few hours and he certainly wanted to look good. Kris was going to be there and he wanted Kris to notice him.

Cook eyed him for a moment and then said, “Please, please put some pants on Lambert. I do not want to have this conversation with you ninety percent nude.”

Adam smirked. “Well Cook, consider yourself lucky that I’m 90 percent nude. Normally, it’s one hundred percent.”

Cook glared at Adam. “I mean it Lambert. At least put pants on.”

Adam sighed. “Fine. I’ll cover up, but only so you don’t ogle me.”

“Whatever,” Cook grumbled. “Just make it quick. I want to talk to you before Archie gets here.”

Adam waved his hand that he had heard Cook and proceeded to go to his room and look for a pair of pants. He found a pair of black jogging pants and slipped them on. Kris had gotten them for him so they could jog together. Adam shook his head and walked back out to the living room.

“Any particular reason you decided to grace me with your wonderful presence today?” Adam asked. He just loved pushing Cook’s buttons. Maybe he could get Cook to see the light.

“What the hell is this?” Cook shoved a paper in Adam’s face and he tried to squint his eyes to see it.

“Cook I can’t see it. It’s too close to my face.” Adam replied.

Cook pulled the magazine back and just handed it to Lambert. “What do you see Lambert?”

Adam gazed at the cover of the magazine. It was the picture from yesterday where he had kissed Archie without any warning. The caption had read Adam Lambert and David Archuleta in love? Adam smiled and looked back up at Cook. “It looks like a picture of two people in love.”

Cook shot him a dirty look. “Did you read the caption Lambert?”

Adam rolled his eyes. “No of course not.” He replied sarcastically.

“I’m serious Lambert. I want to know what is going on between you and Archie. I want an honest answer.” Cook narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

“We’re roommates. You know that, or did Archie not tell you the whole story, hmmm?” Adam baited.

And Cook fell for it. “Of course he did. He said that you and Kris had a fight and you would be staying here.”

Adam shook his head. “And that’s all he told you?”

“Yes. What does that have to do with the picture?” Cook asked, still standing like he was ready to pounce.

Adam sighed. “Me and Kris did have a fight yes. I wanted for us to date, but he still wasn’t over Katy, or so I thought. I asked him for one date and he struck me down. We said some pretty hateful things to one another. And I left. I went for a walk to cool and went to my favorite café that no one really knows about. From the window seat I had, I saw Archie. I ran after him and he told that you guys had a fight as well. He told me that you broke up with him because he wouldn’t go public. And the reason why he didn’t was because he didn’t want to share what you two had with the rest of the world. Is that so wrong? To keep your lover to yourself?”

Adam watched the expressions flow over Cook’s face. Adam hoped that Cook finally caught onto what Archie meant. And it seemed that it had. And then, the anger was back once again.

“So, now he has gone public with you?” Cook demanded.

Adam sighed. “We didn’t know the reporter was there. Honest. Archie wanted a book and I was looking at comics. We were ready to go, and he had this adorable look on his face and I couldn’t resist. I guess it was a bad move on my part. It was a public place after all.”

Cook uncrossed his arms and balled his hands into fists. “Are you and Archie an item now then?”

Adam raised his eyebrow. This was getting good. “No we’re not. We’re just enjoying each other’s company. He’s a free man so he can kiss who he wants when he wants. I just happened to take advantage of that.”

Cook uncurled his hands and relaxed his body. “So I still have a chance with Archie?”

Adam rolled his eyes. “Of course Cook. As if Archie would date anyone else! Go on you big dunderhead. You can make it up to him at the party tonight.”

“He’s still going then?” Cook asked with hope in his voice.

“Yeah, I was able to talk him into it. It took me hours!” Adam laughed.

“What about you and Kris?” David asked softly.

Adam shrugged. “He found himself a new woman. I’m leaving soon for a video shoot up in Canada. After that, I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna try to get over Kris, it’ll be hard, but I think I’ll manage.”

“I’m sorry about this whole mess with Archie. I really love him, I just didn’t realize how much his privacy meant to him. Thank you for helping us out Lambert. Let me know when you leave for that shoot. Archie and I’ll see you off. I better get going. I have to get ready. Thanks again Lambert. No hard feelings?” Cook asked hesitantly.

Adam smiled. “Of course not. It was mainly for Archie’s benefit. I’ll catch you guys later tonight and let you know for sure when I’m leaving.”

Cook returned the smile and followed Adam to the door. “I’ll meet you guys by the front door of the hotel, kay?”

Adam nodded. “Yeah. See ya.”

Adam shut the door after Cook left. He put his back against the door and slunk down to the floor. He then put his head between his knees and cried. He cried for what ifs, what could have beens, and if onlys.

This should have about two or three more chapters to go. I hope you guys can wait that long.

Links to previous chapters:

kradam, american idol season 8

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