Snowed In

Dec 19, 2010 01:28

Archie threw himself on the hotel bed and stared at the ceiling. He had just finished autographing a few pictures for fans. He and Cook just had a small Christmas concert at the Borgata in New Jersey the week before Christmas. Archie wondered how many of the fans were there as a Christmas gift.

A knock a little while later had Archie moving from his way too comfortable spot. He hadn’t meant to doze off; he still had packing to do before he caught the plane home to Utah. He wondered if Cook had everything packed or if he needed help again finding anything he was missing. Archie shuddered at the thought of where he found some of Cook’s clothing before.

Archie opened the door and found Cook standing there with a grim expression on his face. “Archie my dear boy…we’re stuck here.”

Archie just gaped at Cook. He knew that Cook had a funny bone that had a hole specifically reserved for torture humor, which Archie thought that Cook was committing right now. Cook knew that Archie loved to go home for the holidays and that the fastest way to make him cry was to tell him that he wasn’t going to see his family around his favorite time of year.

Cook must have seen the waterworks coming because he hugged Archie. “I’m sorry kid. I didn’t want to tell you, but thought I was the best choice out of everyone else. I know how much your family means to you, so I thought as your best friend on the road…I’d keep you company until the snow storm quits and we can get in the air.”

Archie pulled back and gave Cook a small smile. “Okay…I want to call Mom and let her know what’s going on.”

Cook gave Archie a brilliant smile and Archie just wanted to pull Cook into his room and not share him with anyone. “I’ll go get my stuff so that way we’ll be ready.”

Archie nodded his head and retreated back into his room. He picked his cell up from its place on the nightstand and dialed the all too familiar number. On the first ring his mother picked it up. “David, are you on your way home now?”

Archie heard the hope in her voice and he just wanted to melt into the floor. “No mom I’m not. There’s a lot of snow here in New Jersey so they’re not running the planes right now. I don’t know when I’ll be heading home, but I’ll call you before we leave okay?”

He heard his mother sigh on the other end. “Please tell me you at least have someone to keep you company?”

Archie could feel his face heating up. “Yeah Mom…it’s Cook.”

He had mumbled the last part in hopes that his mother didn’t catch the name. “Oh Cook! That’s great honey! You get to spend some time with him outside of concerts!”

Archie didn’t like the implications of her words. He hated the day that he told his mother about the itty bitty teeny tiny crush he had on Cook. Every time he and Cook had a concert together his mother would ask him how Cook looked and if he had flirted any with the man. Those questions would always leave Archie blushing clear down to his chest.

Thankfully Cook chose that exact moment to knock on the door. Archie sighed in relief and briefly told his mother that his friend was back and that they were going to hang out. Archie ignored the “don’t forget to be safe” from the other end of the phone.

It was a very red faced Archie that opened the door to let Cook in. Archie saw Cook open his mouth and Archie promptly told him to leave it alone and he wasn’t going to tell him what caused him to blush so much. The fact that he anticipated the question from Cook alone should have scared him worse than anything his mother had to say.

Cook let a huge smile spread across his face. “So are you sure you don’t wanna tell me what your mother had to say about me this time?”

Archie wanted to bang his against the wall for that certain lapse in judgment a few months ago. He had been talking to his mother on the phone and she said Cook’s name a little too loud and who happened to be standing right next to Archie? Yep, Cook. So Archie had to come up with a little white lie that Lupe thought that David Cook was a sexy little number so that way he couldn’t explain that his mother was trying to talk him into “bagging Cook” so to speak.

Archie had to think real quick and his brain wasn’t quite working cause of the tight jeans that Cook had decided to wear that night. “She says she wants to see your sexy little bum in those tight jeans.”

Archie watched Cook raise an eyebrow. “Really? These jeans I’m wearing right now? How would she know about them?”

“Oh…um…” Archie’s brain was frozen, he had no excuse unless… “She asked me to take a picture of you with my phone and uh…text it to her, yeah that’s how she knows.”

Cook didn’t look like he was convinced but thankfully let the subject drop. “So what are we gonna get into until the planes fly?”

Archie watched as Cook flopped himself on his bed. Archie had already checked to see what was on T.V. and the only thing on were Christmas specials, which Archie loved but wasn’t sure if Cook would be up for them or not.

“We can watch the Christmas specials. The classics are on channel 5.” Archie suggested.

“We could do that…or we could decorate this place in true Christmas fashion while watching the movies.” Cook grinned.

Archie stared at Cook like he grew a second head. “How are we going to decorate? I don’t magically carry a Christmas tree or ornaments with me.”

Cook gave a hearty laugh. “Was my little Archie using sarcasm? You’ve grown up.” Cook moved from the bed to sling an arm around Archie. “You have all that construction paper and crayons that you carry around for the kids right? We can make stuff from those.”

Archie felt like grabbing Cook’s face and laying a big wet one on him but refrained from doing so. “Yeah I do. Thanks for remembering Cook! I was upset about the snow and stuff that I forgot about carrying that stuff with me!”

Archie went to the smallest bag he always carried with him. He opened it and pulled out the construction paper that was meant for his younger sisters. Whenever his mother made it to a concert with them in tow he had construction paper and crayons ready to cure their boredom in case he had to sign autographs and the like.

He pulled the papers and crayons from the bag and laid them on the middle of the bed. Archie’s eyes roamed over the different colors and he decided on red and green. He didn’t know what he would make with them yet…but he was sure it would be something good.

“I have scissors!” Cook’s loud voice filled the rooms. Archie was startled for just a second. He had forgotten he wasn’t alone.

“Where in the world did you get scissors Cook?”

Cook grinned like a Chesire cat. “I asked a nice young lady who was on the hotel staff for two pairs. Who would have thought that they would have done something like that for little old me?”

“I don’t know…maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’re their guest?”

Cook had a horrified look on his face. “Not because I’m handsome or dashing or charming or famous?”

Archie had a solemn look on his face. “I’m afraid not Cook my good friend.”

Cook burst into fake tears and tried to bury his head into Archie’s shoulder. “Archie! How could you be so mean to me? Why can’t you be more like your mom! She knows how to compliment a man!”

Archie froze at that comment. He didn’t quite know how to respond. But then a thought zipped through his head. “My mother is a dirty old woman and if you want me to be more like her…then I’d have to age thirty years and get a sex change…”

Cook actually looked horrified and tackled Archie to the bed. “You can’t!” Cook whined. “I need you to be a man and be there when we have concerts like these! I’ll convince you otherwise!”

At that point Cook started to tickle Archie and knew just where to hit under his rib cage. Cook must have gotten the information from his mother. He knew the two were up to no good when he allowed them to talk when he had to sign thirty random autographs one day.

A few seconds into the tickle attack Archie couldn’t help but laugh as Cook was relentless in what he was doing. He wasn’t sure how this was supposed to convince him that being a man was better, but he knew he liked having Cook this close.

“Okay, okay. I give! I won’t turn into a dirty old lady!” Archie managed to say in between giggles.

Cook finally relented and just stared down at Archie. At this point Archie wanted to move but he didn’t want to break whatever spell they were under. He could hear Frosty the Snowman playing on the T.V. and he could feel Cook’s breath on his cheek.

“Ummm…is there something on my face?” Archie asked nervously. He knew being this close to Cook would give him away.

“No, it’s perfect the way it is.” Cook said right before he dove in for a kiss.

Archie’s mind was either frozen or running so fast that he couldn’t tell he was thinking. So he just did what was natural and responded to the kiss, opening his mouth and giving Cook free reign of it.

Archie could have died when he felt Cook’s tongue move alongside his. He decided to move his tongue as well and wasn’t expecting to actually hear Cook moan. When the need for breath became too great, they both broke apart.

Cook was staring down at Archie intently. “Merry Christmas Archie, I hope this is what you wanted.”

Archie smiled. “Yeah…that and so much more.”

Cook gave him a grin. “You’ll have to thank Santa Lupe when we get to Utah.”


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