Better, not great, but better.

Nov 13, 2011 00:59

I had to bail on I ♥ Industrial, a goth event up in Philly, last night because my shoulder (while better) is still acting up. I was also debating on trying to make Spellbound here in D.C. but my shoulder still twinges randomly when I move my neck or shoulder the wrong way, though it seems to be on the mend. And really, part of the reason I wanted to go was to hand out fliers for the VNV Nation show here in D.C. in December. I somehow volunteered to be on street team and hand out fliers places but with a bum shoulder have been finding this task a bit onerous. What's even more sad is that I am in the middle of a three-day weekend and have no big plans because I'm still feeling a bit 'meh'.

However, I have dim sum plans with some amazing people tomorrow so I'm definitely looking forward to that - the one bright spot on an otherwise unremarkable and depressing weekend.

I've gotten a couple of books read in the interim, and while most of them are unremarkable I definitely found myself enjoying Scott Lynch's Lies of Locke Lamora far more than I thought possible when I randomly decided to pick it up to read. Sooooo good! I now must pick up the second Gentleman Bastard book, Red Seas Under Red Skies in addition to Cat Valente's newest Prester John book. Ugh, so many books I need to read! Well, I guess a bum shoulder does help with the reading when you can't go to clubs and you can't dance and you can't do yoga or much of anything else remotely active besides walking.

That's all I've got at the moment, I think. It's one am and I've just finished my book so I suppose I'll call this a night.

washington d.c., clubbing, philadelphia, books, vnv nation

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