Of books and pain.

Nov 07, 2011 22:25

Let's get the pain out of the way, shall we?
I did something to my shoulder today. I was fine this morning but by the time the evening rolled around and I headed home the pain starting zinging inwards and up towards my neck. OUCH! I haven't done yoga in a while and was planning a class tomorrow evening but if this keeps up I think I'll have to cancel yet another class.
However, it has still been a lovely day - well, no, let me rephrase that: it was a lovely evening. Work today was stupidly busy and I fear it will only get worse. But tonight, tonight was fun. I went to a book signing for Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus which is this fun magical journey.
The cover looks like this:

It's hard to describe but for a first novel - and one that started from NaNoWriMo so many Novembers ago. And Erin is very sweet and nice and I had a lovely time meeting her, even if for only the brief minute it took for her to compliment my hair (purple streaks, curled - haha, thanks!) and sign my book.

It really feels like November is a month for authors. I'm also avidly following yuki_onna aka Cathrynne M. Valente online as her second Prester John book is out and I'm waiting patiently for my very first Omikuji Project letter. As she writes:

Almost four years ago, I started a weird little thing called The Omikuji Project. Every month, I wrote a short story not published anywhere else, printed it on archival paper, signed and sealed them with wax, along with a personal letter. For four years they’ve gone out all over the world, every month, with wobbly, but stalwart, regularity.

But it looks like with the economy the way it is things are getting a bit shaky (understandable as it runs $100/yr.) so I'm really hoping that it continues because my very first story will be mailed out to me very soon. Here's hoping for the best!!
I've also found out that Neil Gaiman's new audible project for audiobooks will include (after this first wave of books) Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint which has been one of my favorite stories for some number of years now. I am not an audiobook fan at all as I am too much of a visual learner but I am slowly - oh so slowly - starting to like them. I've gotten through Rob Thurman's first Cal Leandros book, Nightlife, and recently Cathrynne Valente's first Prester John book, The Habitation of the Blessed, so I'm kinda hoping that I'll like the audio version of Swordspoint. Funnily enough even though the new Prester John book is out I almost don't want to get it until I get an audio version of it because the audiobook grew on me.
Right, now I'm a bit sleepy. I think curl up time with a book and tea should be happening soon.

washington d.c., books, audiobook, culture

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