My first costume event this year is closing in, hooray!
Kjæmpestaden ( ) is taking place this weekend. I will be joined by
sneprinsesse and co this year as well, all of us in costumes naturally. I had lots of fun last year, so I'm looking forward to this!
Stuff I want to attend on Saturday:
10:00: Boarding the sailship Götheborg (costs NOK 100,-). Can make some fun pictures there! (open all day)
13:30: Presentation of an interesting historical book
14:00: Costume parade through the city
17:30: Arendal Borgerlig Militaire has some sort of event. Good enough excuse for me.... He-he!!
PDF version of the Kjæmpestaden paper: a small picture of us from last years event, under this years program)
Some years ago I made a Regency dress for Kjæmpestaden, as the original timeline for the faire was Regency-ish. But I've never gotten around to wear the dress - until this year. So, the dress:
I wear it with a cream chemise underneath, and a straw hat with green silk ribbons on the head (like in the pictures). I also have a brown apron I might wear, to make the dress more everyday-ish. Plus cute "Chinese" Mary Janes.
What kind of jewellery should I go for? Other ideas?