3 Mike/Tina Drabbles

May 14, 2011 09:43

Title(s): Still Got it, Movement, Lessons
Rating: PG
FAndom: Glee
Ship: Mike/Tina

Still Got It: Mike/Tina: Mike and Tina Have a Chat After The Homecoming Game

“’S wrong, T?” Mike asked as Tina remained silent on their walk back to his car after the game.
“I dunno. I guess I just wish I knew why we couldn’t play the game from the start.” They both still had their zombie makeup on, Tina insisted it’d be easier to use baby oil that scrub until their skin was raw.
“You wanna play football?” Mike offered, surprised by the petite girl’s explanation. “You just nearly got tackled unconscious.”
“But who says girls can’t play football? I mean, Lauren was kick ass. I could be just as kick ass with some practice.”
“Not that hearing you say that isn’t really hot, but you’re about half her size. Besides, you’re the best singer in Glee, why would you wanna give that up?” Mike offered, opening the passenger side door for her. She looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek. After mike closed the door, he rounded the car, muttering to himself, “He’s still got it.”

Movement: Mike/Tina: At ASian Camp, they had become friends

“Getting to know you,” She sings. The kids aren’t paying attention; they haven’t been in any of their music activities. It didn’t matter, though; camp was giving her a chance to polish up her piano skills that she didn’t use often. She hadn’t expected to see Mike act camp, but in the two weeks they’d been there, they’ve had time to catch up, being stuck in the same activity at least once every day. They also had the same shift for pool duty, so, needless to say, he was shirtless more often than not around her. Not that she minded, though, she was getting a little less sleep than she should have been. Thinking about him was distracting. “Getting to know all about you.” It was true, they really were getting to know each other. It was endearing how close he was to his family, working at camp just so his little sister could afford to be a camper for the summer. He was so in-touch with his heritage, and even spoke some Thai. Tina couldn’t help but wonder what would happen after camp. Would he stop being so close to her? Would he go back to being a football player and her the quiet Goth vocalist? It wouldn’t be fair for their closeness to just go to waste after the next two weeks were over. “Getting to-“ She couldn’t just let him go away. The piano stool clattered behind her as she impeded his flow of movement and stood on toes to kiss him.

Lessons: Mike/Tina with Rachel, Tina thinks Mike is cheating on her with Rachel

How could he do this? How could Rachel do this? Her best friend making her boyfriend cheat on her. It was almost too shocking to believe, but Mercedes wouldn’t lie to her, would she? They don’t have any reason to be meeting after school three times a week in secrecy, really they don’t. What else was she supposed to do but investigate? Sneaking into the Glee room proves to be difficult, as if either of them are facing the door they could see her, so she peers in the door window first, and sees the unthinkable. Rachel, with her hands on Mike’s cheeks, and they’re both laughing. That’s it. That’s totally enough to warrant a storm-in. However, when Tina opens the door, she can’t quite seem to get the storming part of the storm-in working. Rachel must have heard the door open because she looks over. “Hi Tina!” Mike says and moves over to her, smiling happily. H kisses her, but she pulls away.
“How could you?”
“How could I what?” He looks confused, his expression reminding her of Finn.
“Cheat on me, Mike. How could you cheat on me?”
“Cheat on you?” he’s laughing, “With who?”
“With who?” She offers incredulously, “Are you kidding me? You’re sneaking around with Rachel, who’s right there, and you’re asking me who?” Tina can hear the bitterness in her own voice.
“He’s not-“ Rachel pipes up, but Mike cuts her off,
“I’m not cheating on you with Rachel.” He’s still smiling, he thinks this is all a big joke, which bothers Tina even more, she shakes her head and backs way from him. “Wait, don’t go.” He reaches for her hand. “Sit, I’ll explain everything.” He goads her, leading her to one of the chairs in the front row. “Just hear me out?” He rubs her shoulder, trying to be comforting before he backs away and nods at Rachel.
“It’s not really for Piano, you should ask Puck to-“
“Just pay the song, Rachel.” Mike offers, still watching Tina’s misty eyes. After a short intro, he’s singing, “Give me more loving than I’ve ever had, make me feel better when I’m feeling sad, tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not.” Tina’s smiling, sniffling because she understands now, “Make me feel good when I hurt so bad, barely getting mad, I’m so glad I found you, I love being around you.” He’s been getting lessons from Rachel, and Tina can tell because his voice isn’t cracking, even though he’s wringing his hands because he’s nervous, “You make it easy, as easy as one, Two, One, Two, Three, Four.” And she knows the song, but he doesn’t have to sing it anymore because she’s kissing him, and for that, maybe he’s a little grateful, because he’s sure he sounded awful.
There’s only one thing to do, three words for you, I love you. There’s only one way to say those three words, that’s what I’ll do. I love you. I love you.
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