The Couch: Puck/Finn; Drabble

May 14, 2011 09:46

Title: The Couch
Rating: PG
Fandom: Glee
Ship: Finn/Puck
Summary: Their couch may be ugly, but Finn can't bring himself to get rid of it.

Puck collapsed on the beaten-to-hell couch next to Finn on the cushion with the stuffing coming out of it. The hole had been taped, but seeing as it was Puck’s favorite spot the tape didn’t stay long. Rachel had visited a couple weeks ago to see their place for the first time since they moved into the apartment a year ago-she was busy jump-starting her acting career. She had walked in and promptly announced just how hideous the orange and white plaid couch was, but it was all they could afford when they moved to Columbus and Puck seemed to really like it. Now that they had some more spending freedom, Finn just didn’t have the heart to replace the beloved piece of furniture. Finn’s gaze fell from the movie he’d picked to the bowl of Reese’s peanut butter cup ice cream wrapped in Puck’s rough hands. “Where’s mine?” He pouted, looking up to meet Puck’s eyes, which had turned toward him. Puck smirked and lifted the spoon to his mouth in response; there was none for Finn. “You ass.” Finn scowled, turning back to the TV. There was silence, during which some shooting from the movie filled the silence. While Finn became reabsorbed in the Movie, he felt the couch shift as Puck left with his ice cream. Finn had been joking, but maybe he’s upset Puck. He was dwelling on where he went wrong when Puck was back on the couch beside him, holding up a second spoon. Fin looked over and smiled, putting his hand around Puck’s and kissing him. Yeah, beaten couch and everything, it was their home, and it was enough.
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