Drabble: Audible (Glee, Puck/Kurt-ish)

Mar 15, 2011 22:54

Title: Audible
Words: 101
Rating: PG
Pairing: Puck/Kurt-ish, with Lauren
Summary: I'm planning on writing a Puck/Kurt story that falls in line with canon, but I wanted to write a quick blurb for tonight's Ep.
Warnings: Spoilers for "Original Song"
Notes: This idea was really hit on in the EP discussion in the Puck/Kurt cmmunity, adn I'm excited to write this for it, even if its not all that long.

Just like Puck could see exactly what had happened between Kurt and Blaine, Lauren could hear Puck losing it. All of their fights leading up to this. She glanced at him and saw him fall apart in an instant. Rachel was watching too. As the football player broke like Kurt’s rejected toy, the audience stood in applause.

“Come on, at least make it look like he didn’t just metaphorically kick you in the balls.” She told him, hauling the mohawked teen up out of his seat. He stood and clapped like a good sport, but tension was radiating off of him.
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