S&3 for you and me! (A Sesame Street rhyme for you)

Nov 16, 2009 23:44

He's thinking of calling Buffy, apologizing, telling her what he's doing now (as much as he can, anyway).

“Finn to sector S3,” Sam orders over the radio, making him grin.

Sam is already there when he arrives at S3, their code for the most secluded part of the base. He wonders how she gets sexy lingerie out here.

“Victoria's Secret spree before I left,” she smirks. Off his shock: “You're so easy to read!”

“Yeah? Read me now.”

“I read kissing,” she giggles.

He doesn't call. His life is great. He's sure hers is too.

A/N: My first shot at writing Riley. Hope it came out okay!

sam, riley, btvs6

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