More S and 3 drabbles: Last-Minute Research and Word Play

Nov 16, 2009 14:48

Apparently I just can't take this prompt seriously... ;)

Title: Last-Minute Research
Setting: BtVS S3, circa "Band Candy"
Disclaimer: No mail since yesterday telling me these characters are mine. Drat.

Buffy blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and pushed her book away in frustration. “There aren’t any answers here. I'm all guessed out.”

“It’s the end of the world,” Willow groaned. “You try and try to prepare, and it never feels like enough, you know?”

“This installment of teen apocalypse is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters S, A, and T,” Xander intoned, tossing down his pencil. “Too bad this test doesn’t include a Sesame Street section or a Schoolhouse Rock essay.” The others stared. "Okay, here I go. This is me, studying."

Title: Word Play
Setting: BtVS S4, just after "Something Blue." Buffy is at Giles's, doing a little involuntary vampire-sitting.
Disclaimer: Who, me? I just drabble here.





“I know you’re up there.”


“I need a 3-letter word, starts with S, ends with X-”

“Oh, my God, Spike! We made out while we were faux-engaged - so what? It’s not like I ever think about you, you know, like that. You so need to get over your fevered little daydreams. Because, and let me be plain here, we are not having sex. EVER.”

Spike sat up on the couch, raised an eyebrow, and indicated the paper. “Crossword, Slayer. American sports team, 3 letters, starts with S, ends with X. The Boston Red Sex?”

btvs4, spike, btvs3, willow, xander, buffy

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