School dreams are getting weirder & weirder

Feb 02, 2007 11:17

So I was back in school, but I don't really remember having any classes. I was at first running around the school library with Jason and maybe someone else I don't remember, and it had a whole bunch of computers in it. We were looking up something or other but I forget what. We didn't find it though, because suddenly they announced some speech some important guy was about to make.

So we went outside (I think) to listen to the speech, only it turned out that the speech was just a cover. The goal was really for the important guy to keep his enemies quiet long enough for his allies to blow them up. I apparently suspected enough that I started running before the explosions actually started, and I was in such a hurry that I left my cigarettes behind. So I was running around trying to meet back up with Jason, and there was the whole sliding down stairways bit like I usually do in dreams for some reason.

I finally found him because of this yellow (?!) flannel he was wearing, and we talked about the incident and stuff. Then the next thing I know I'm home from school (early of course), and starting to tell my mom about what happened. Only it looked an awful lot like I was laying in bed looking into the bedroom, and it was at this point that I realized I'd woken up.


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