Owwww :(

Feb 01, 2007 21:17

Tooth pain sucks donkey nuts. It's gotten bad enough that aspirins don't even always work, and when they do they usually last 2 whole hours. Which means a lot of waking up in agony in the middle of the night, especially as it hurts more when I'm horizontal. Normally I have to be half dead before I just wanna lay in bed all day, but this stupid thing made me feel like that earlier even though it wasn't hurting terribly much at the time. I swear, probably the only natural process that hurts worse than this is childbirth, and the only reason I assume childbirth hurts worse is that at least I can usually still *think* with this kind of pain, heh. I was seriously wishing for demerol or something this morning...entertaining myself by looking at a doorknob and drooling sounds good about now. :P

On a brighter note, we had pizza night on Tuesday & watched the first Star Wars movie since I actually have the trilogy now. (There's still a leftover piece of pizza that I've been afraid to eat because of this damn tooth. Stealing my pizza enjoyment is NOT COOL.) Maybe it's just that it was the 3rd time I saw it, or maybe the fact that the fan blocked one corner of the screen, or maybe that I couldn't read the subtitles in parts of it, but I kept thinking "dammit hurry up and DO something" heh. I know the newer ones aren't nearly as cool as the originals anyway, but hell it's Star Wars, it's gotta have *some* amount of coolness heh. (It did make me impatient to be able to play that Jedi game though.)

Ok, brain is giving out. Time to shut up before I type gibberish.


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