Sep 30, 2011 23:51
So. My cousins wedding was yesterday! :D Myself and the family just got back this afternoon and I am wrecked. @.@ Going to crash the second after I post this. But yes. It was a really lovely day. <3 The venue for the reception was this absolutely gorgeous old country house (where I believe Marilyn Manson got married :/ huh...), and the weather was perfect - not too sunny, and no rain or wind. And considering the fact that today it's been raining buckets since this morning, my cousin got really lucky!
I was assigned video camera duty myself. XD Yeah... I was freaking out from the word go about that. No way I could have ever looked my cousin in the eye again if I'd done something to muck it up - which, I more often than not, do. :S BUT. Miraculously, I actually did OK!! I remembered to charge the camera's battery beforehand, always checked the best lighting settings whenever we changed rooms, got everything filmed that my cousin wanted and tons more. I... I actually think I did all right guys! 8'D Cripes, I hope she likes it. *fretfret* :< Though several people did compliment my dedication to the task, which I thought was pretty funny. xD I felt ridiculously amateurish next to this professional photographer they hired. She had a fancier camera! D: But oh well. The photos are always the more important part I imagine. Looking back on the video footage is more of a 'for shits and giggles' sort of thing. XD
Anyhow. For some reason yesterday I had absolutely NO taste for alcohol. Now I'm not a big drinker in general. I'd rarely have more than two - but yesterday, I actually found the taste of any kind of alcohol a bit sickening. :S Normally I like cocktails! My brother even got me a long island ice-tea, but I just couldn't finish it! Granted, that was partially due to the fact that it was strong as hell. @.@ Seriously. All I did was sip at it for about two hours and I still didn't finish it. After that, I just kept going back up to the bar and asking for glasses of free water for the rest of the night! XD Party animal right here folks~ And there was much dancing to be had. :D Though not for too long... Damned heels made my feet hurt. :< I need to start bringing a pair of flats with me...
So yah. All in all, it was a fun day. =P My cousin looked absolutely beautiful, and the groom looked very dapper - they were so sweet together! :3
...Though the thought of organising all that shit?! *jumps through window* D: Do not want. My cousin is a perfectionist to the bone. She organised everything. 0__0 Everything!! She even had these little conversation card thingies set out on all the tables, a basket of toiletries put into the women's bathrooms, a bag of random sweets and goodies put into all the guest rooms, and a special kids meal arranged for my little brother (the only kid there). :| She... amazes me. *in awe* Could not do that myself... Nope.... Just thinking about it.... *assumes fetal position* ;__;
real life,
family stuffs