Romance Done Spitefully (5/6)

May 17, 2010 16:08

Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: My cat is asleep in my lap and now I can't really move...

Chapter Five

Jack was drove Ianto home and he was listening to the radio, singing along with the radio happily.

"I should do this!" Ianto exclaimed loudly.

"Do what?"

"This!" Ianto pointed to the radio.

"Start a band?" Jack asked, glancing at him.

"No," Ianto started sarcastically, "install car stereos." He paused, "Yeah, start a band. My Mam would love that." He sighed as they parked outside of Ianto's house.

"You strike me as the type of person who wouldn't ask for their Mom's permission." Jack turned to face him.

"Oh, so now you think you know me?" Ianto eyed Jack, venom in his voice.

"I'm getting there," he responded, giving Ianto a small smile.

He sighed, back to his normal, calm self. "The only thing people know about is that 'I have no emotions.'"

"People don't know me either." Their eyes met, sharing a sort of connection for a length. Jack then shook his head, "So, what's up with your Mom? She a pain in the ass?"

"No." Ianto leaned back in his seat, "She's just worried that I'd leave her. She wants me to be someone I'm not."


"Gwen." His eyes found the stereo.

"Ah, Gwen." Jack did wonder why everyone was so busy talking about her, "No offense or anything, I mean, I know everyone loves your sister." Ianto gave a nod of agreement, "But she's without."

Ianto looked at Jack, a smile playing at his lips. "You know, you're not as vile as I thought you were." Jack grinned at that and Ianto leaned towards Jack, their faces getting closer. Close enough for

Jack to smell the alcohol on Ianto's breath and he pulled back, knowing that he'd be taking advantage of him.

"Maybe we should do this another time."

Ianto glared at Jack before quickly getting out of the car.

Meanwhile Rhys stopped his own car outside of Gwen's house and they sat in silence, unsure what to say to one another. "You never wanted to go sailing with me, did you?" He asked her quietly.

"Yes I did." She was lying, wanting to be nice.

"No. You didn't."

"Well, okay. No. Not actually." Gwen looked down.

"Well, then that's all you had to say." Rhys ranted, "Have you always been this selfish?"

Gwen nodded slightly, "Yes." she bleated weakly.

"You know, just because you're beautiful, doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter. I mean, I really like you." His voice twisted, not as angry anymore, "Okay? I defended you when people called you conceded. I helped you when you asked me to. I learned French for you." he sounded slightly amused by the last one before the anger came back, "And then you just blow me off-"

She surprised him by grabbing the boy and pulling him in for a kiss. before pulling back. He gaped at her, completely surprised as she gave him a smile before exiting the car and going into her house.


Ianto sighed as he went into the Doctor's class the next day. People were saying things like, "Ianto, you sway to the rhythm of my heart." "Wanna dance with me? We can do the robot." all about him dancing on the table. But the worst was when Owen asked, "Ianto, what do we owe you for the table dance?"

The Doctor was leaning against his desk and when everyone sat down, he started talking when everyone had finally been seated. "Alright. How was everybody's weekend?"

"I don't know," Owen said, "maybe we should ask Ianto!" He turned and smirked at the other boy.

"Unless he kicked the crap out of your dumb butt, I don't want to hear about it." the Doctor believed that Ianto could, after seeing what he had done to John Hart anyway. "Okay, let's open our books to page 73, sonnet 141. And listen up." He opened his own book and started reciting it as if it were a modern day song, ""In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes. For they and thee a thousand errors note. But 'tis my heart loves what they despise, who in despite of view is pleas'd to dote."" The students were into the performance. "Shakespeare may be a dead guy, but he knows his stuff. I want you all to write your own version of this sonnet." He was met with groans. Ianto raised his hand, making the Doctor frown. Normally Ianto did always found something wrong with the assignment and fought it, "Yes Mr.-I-Have-An-Opinion-About-Everything?"

"Do you want this in iambic pentameter?" Ianto asked.

The Doctor looked surprised, "You're not going to fight me on this?"

"No, I think it's a good assignment."

"You're messing with me, aren't you?"

"No. I'm really looking forward to writing it." Ianto smiled which was really throwing the Doctor off; he was sure he was being mocked.

"Get out of my class." He thought Ianto was mocking him.

"What?" Ianto raised an eyebrow.

"Out. Get out."

Ianto shrugged and slowly got up, heading towards Donna's office.


Tommy stood at his locker which was pasted with pictures of the 1920's was posted all over. Toshiko smiled at a picture of a dancer and movie star from that era. "Cool. Louise Brooks."

"You know her?" Tommy he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. And I know you really like the early 1920's." they shared a smile, glad that someone else knew about that long-forgotten era. "Listen, I have this friend…"


Rhys and Jack were sitting on the bleachers watching Ianto practice football, and for once he was showing aggression. "What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything." Jack protested, "Would've been to drunk to remember."

"But the plan was working."

"What do you care?" Jack tore his gaze away from Ianto to Rhys, "I thought you wanted out."

"Yeah, well, I did. But that was uh, before she kissed me." Rhys blushed.

"Where?" Jack grinned.

"In the car." It wasn't exactly the location he was looking for, but further questioning was interrupted by Tosh's arrival.

"Alright," She sat down beside Jack, "talked to him." She was mentioning her conversation with Tommy, Ianto's best friend.

"Wha'd he say?" Rhys asked.

Tosh frowned a bit, "Hates him with the fire of a thousand suns." She sighed, "That's a direct quote."

Jack ran his hand through his hair, "Thanks. That's very comforting."

"We don't know," Rhys protested, "He could just need a day to cool off."

Just then the football flew by their head, almost hitting Jack. As one they all turned to see Ianto glaring at them, definitely not robotic-like. Seems as if when he did let his emotions show they really took over.

"Maybe two."


As Ianto and Tommy were walking around the Plass when he spotted a School Dance Poster. He glared at it and as he tore it down, muttering angrily. "Can you imagine who would go there?"

Tommy ducked his head, "I would. But I have no one to ask."

The Welshman responded sarcastically, "Do you really wanna get dressed up and listen to a band that by definition sucks?"

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Alright. Alright, we won't go. Not like I have a tux anyway."

"You're looking at this from entirely the wrong perspective." Ianto replied monotone, "We're making a statement."

Tommy replied sarcastically, "Oh yay, something different for us."


Owen sought Gwen out. The plan was still on; and he'd just pay Jack to take Ianto to the prom. He grinned to himself as he walked up to Gwen, "Hey there, cupid."

"Can I help you?" Gwen glanced at him, not very impressed.

"I want to talk t you about the school dance." He tried to look his sexiest right then, right eyebrow twitch and pose.

Gwen sighed, "Look, you know the deal. I can't go if Ianto doesn't go."

"Your brother is going." Owen smirked.

Gwen's eyes grew, "Since when?" Surprise was clearly written on her face; she knew her brother hated the idea of the dance. He was often saying he would never go.

"Oh, let's just say I'm taking care of it." He replied airily as he walked off in search of Jack. It didn't take him long to find the American. "Jack." He greeted, holding out two hundred. "This should take care of the limo, the tux, everything. Just make sure he gets to the dance."

Jack glowered, "You know what? I'm sick of playing your little game." He found Ianto's emotions and he didn't much like the idea of toying around with them.

Owen shrugged, "You sick of, lets say, three hundred?" He took out more money and grinned when Jack, after a pause, took the money.

Jack searched for Ianto, and trying to make amends. He had looked all over the large school but it was a large one and he couldn't locate the other boy. After school though, he finally spotted Ianto's car and followed it. The pursuer gazed in through the window of a music store, watching Ianto play a guitar. With a look of longing the Welshman left, but not before Jack made a mental note of it. Next they went to a bookstore. Jack waited patiently until walking up to Ianto he asked, "Excuse me, have you seen The Feminine Mystique? I've lost my copy." He flashed his most disarming smile.

"What are you doing here?" Ianto asked, not pleased to see Jack at all.

"I heard there was a poetry reading." Jack quipped.

"You're so-"

"Charming?" Jack supplied while Ianto turned and walked away, "Wholesome?" He continued.

Ianto turned around again, glaring at Jack, "Unwelcome."

Jack's brows knit together, "You're not as emotionless as you think you are."

"And you're not as sexy as you think you are." Ianto replied.

"Ooh someone still has their undies in a twist."

"Don't think for one second you had an effect whatsoever on my undies." Ianto shot out.

"Then what did I have an effect on?"

"Other than my upchuck reflex?" Ianto asked airly, "Nothing." Heading for the front door he paused, grabbing something off a shelf and thrusting it into Jack's hands: it was a copy of The Feminine Mystique . in Jack's hands before disappearing.

Lunch the next day found Jack telling Toshiko and Rhys how much trouble he was having getting Ianto to agree to even talk to him. "You're right. He's still angry."

"Sweet love, renew thy force!" Rhys said a bit loudly and with a little too much enthusiasm.

Jack glared at Rhys, "Hey man! Don't say shit like that to me. People can hear you." He was known for being a flirt, he couldn't have the word 'love' be spread around. He had a reputation to uphold.

Tosh sighed, "Look, you embarrassed the boy. Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score."

Jack shook his head and standing up from their table and walking away, leaving his food untouched.

The two friends watched him go. and Rhys turned to Toshiko, "Listen. Don't say shit like that to him. People can hear you." They had no idea what the American was up to.

What they didn't know is that by talking to Jack about sacrificing himself on the alter of dignity he got an idea. He went out and searched for someone specific. After finding the other teenager, Jack handed over a wad of money and the two shared a smile.


Jack watched the football team practice on the field for a few seconds before making some adjustments to the microphone of the announcer's box. Taking a breath he went and stood in the middle of the bleachers and began to sing, "You're just to good to be true," Everyone around stopped and looked towards him, "Can't take my eyes off you," He glanced down at Ianto and grinning, happy to see that Ianto was watching him, "You'd be like Heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much." He hadn't moved from his spot, but his voice was gaining in confidence, "At long last love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you."

Jack then pointed to the man he had given the wad of money to earlier and the band who had been practicing formations started to play the music for the well known love song. Jack couldn't help but grin widely when he saw Ianto's surprised face. Beginning to dance around on the bleachers, Jack continued the song, "I love you, baby, and if it's quite alright, I need you baby, to warm a lonely night." by now he saw two of the guards that kept the school more peaceful start towards him, "Trust in me when I say:" Jack grinned at them and maneuvered to evade them, "Oh, pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray. Oh pretty baby, now that I found you stay." He ran past one of the guards and slapped him on the butt, getting a cheer from the crowd watching. Jack then turned and faced Ianto, closer to him now, at the bottom of the bleachers, "And let me love you, baby. Let me love you." The crowd all clapped and cheered . Jack was too busy staring at a smiling Ianto to notice the guards come up behind him. He allowed the men to them escort him out but not before turning and winking at Ianto.


Jack sat in detention staring out the window, ignoring Ms. Rose Tyler interrogating a kid who seemed to have some sort of drug on him. He was tapped his foot rapidly, hoping that Ianto would talk to him now. What bothered Jack most is that he really cared about what Ianto thought of him; that had never happened before. He'd never cared what people thought of him before. Jack sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Glancing at the door, he was surprised to see Ianto walk into the room and not pay any attention to Jack. Maybe his stunt hadn't worked after all... but why was Ianto interrupting detention?

Ianto greeted the woman. "Ms. Tyler, ma'am."

Jack rolled his eyes; of course Ianto was going to talk to Ms. Tyler, she was his football coach after all.

Coach Tyler responded. "What can I do for you Ianto?"

"I have some ideas on how to improve our football team."

"Great!" she responded excitedly, then dropped to her teacher voice, "Let's talk about it later." She of course was suggesting that they not talk about in the middle of detention.

As Rose turned away Ianto locked eyes with Jack and motioned to the window. Jack raised his eyebrows, not understanding what Ianto was pointing at. Ianto started whispering, "Window. Window."

Jack shrugged and Ianto rolled his eyes, "Window." He stated louder. Jack nodded, hearing the word.

Rose had heard it too and turned back to Ianto who put on a stoic mask. Ianto grabbed her arm and turned her away from the window as Jack stood up slowly, "As you know," Ianto addressed his coach, "we have a really big game with Skaro, the private school-" Jack ran to the side of the room and almost cursed as the floor squeaked, but Ianto grabbed Rose's arm again and started talking with hand gestures, "And they kick our butts every year. I was thinking. I devised a plan that will enable us to finally defeat them."

"Which is…" Rose was lead off, slightly interested.

"That thing you taught us."

"What thing?"

"Misdirection." Ianto said quickly.

"I taught you that?" She clearly didn't think she had.

"Yeah," Ianto's voice wavered a bit, "You are Siegfried, or Roy. Anyway, that's not important. The-" Ianto's eyes grew when Rose started to turn again,. He reached out and grabbed her chin to stop her, "Think about it. Um, they're looking left," he moved her head to the left, "and we're running right." He let go of her chin after he moved it right, "Bang. We score. We win."

Jack had yet to make it out the window, trying to stay quiet.

"Okay." Rose nodded, "But how to we get them to look left?"

"Um," Ianto thought desperately, eyes widening as Jack finally made it to the window noisily., "Like this!" He said loudly, grabbing Rose's face again and pressing their lips together. Giving this kiss all he could, he made sure she couldn't or wouldn't want to pull away and notice that Jack was missing. He glanced behind her while their lips were still touching and pulled back once Jack was gone. The classroom cheered - mostly excited to see that Ianto got Jack escaping, but also at the kiss. "Well," He tried to put his stoic mask on again, "Now that you've seen The Plan," He was walking backwards,

"I'm gonna go show The Plan to someone else." He turned and walked away as calmly as he could.


Jack and Ianto strolled along down the street, having parked the car. and decided to take a stroll in town. It was a beautiful day and now that Jack was now out of detention. "I can't thank you enough for helping me sneak out of there. Very cool."

"No problem." Ianto replied.

"I thought for sure I was busted when I was climbing out that window. So, how did you keep her distracted?" Jack looked at Ianto.

"I dazzled her with," Ianto said, before adding quickly, "my wits."

They walked for a few seconds in quiet silence before Jack turned to Ianto, "What's your excuse?"


"For acting the way you do." Ianto stopped walking and looked at Jack. Jack kept his face open, hoping that Ianto would tell him.

"Not keen on getting hurt again." Ianto replied after a pause.

"But not letting people in is probably hurting you more." Jack reached out and wrapped his arm around Ianto. "At least with getting to know people you have the good moments." He moved his hand down from around Ianto's shoulders to the other boy's hand and grabbed it. Jack smiled when Ianto didn't let go of his hand as they started walking again. After a length Jack asked, "You up for it?"

"Up for what?"

Jack motioned at a paint-ball game.

Soon they were outfitted in white jump suits with a few faded paint stains, clearly they bleached them when they got washed. Chasing each other they threw the paint-balls, hitting one another and missing at some times. Jack's aim seemed to be better but Ianto had the element of surprise, getting Jack and get him at close range. Eventually they had one ball each and were standing right in front of each other, grinning. Jack shrugged and threw his behind him, making Ianto grin more as he stepped closer to Jack. Jack reached around Ianto, pulling him towards him and the Welshman proceeded to put the paint-ball on Jack's head and he pressed the balloon onto Jack's head, making it burst. Jack laughed as the paint rolled down his head and letting go to of Ianto, chased the smaller man down. Jack gave chase and ended up catching him. The American grabbed him as they tumbled into some hay that lay on the course. Grinning Jack reached down with his hand and turned Ianto's face towards him, giving him the kiss that he hadn't the night of Mary's Party.


"So who did it?" Jack asked as they walked up to Ianto's house.

"Did what?"

"Make you afraid of feeling?" He hoped Ianto trusted him enough to tell him.

After a moment's pause Ianto nodded, deciding to speak, "Well, a few things. Mostly Tad dying and Lisa leaving me for other men." He tilted his head, "How 'bout you? Why do you feel the need to have everyone love you?"

Jack responded with a smile. "Who doesn't want that?"

"Fine." Ianto rolled his eyes, "Okay. Is the accent real?"

"Yep." Jack nodded as the two of them sat down on the steps outside the house, "Lived there until I was thirteen." He paused, "So, you're mom is really-"

"My step-mam. Yes." Ianto said, "But my birth-mam died when I was young and Martha is the only Mam I really know." He shrugged, "Okay. Where were you last year? I know the porn career is a lie."

"Do you?" Jack asked with an eyebrow raise and a flirty tone.

They laughed for a bit at that until Ianto said, "Tell me something true."

"Something true?" Jack paused, thinking, "I hate peas."

Ianto rolled his eyes, "No. Something real. Something no one else knows."

"Okay." Jack leaned close and kissed Ianto's cheek, "You're sweet." He kissed Ianto's neck, right below the jaw now, "And sexy." He kissed lower on the neck again, "And completely hot for me."

Ianto raised his eyebrows and lightly hit Jack on the shoulder, "You're amazingly self-assured. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Jack grinned, "I tell myself that everyday, actually." He leaned close and quickly put a kiss on Ianto's lips, "Go to the dance with me."

"Is that a request or a command?" Ianto asked.

"C'mon. Go with me." Jack couldn't believe he was pleading.

"No." Ianto said with casual indifference.

"No? Why not?"

"No. I won't go with you."

"Why not?" Jack asked again.

Ianto leaned back, eyes cooler than a moment before, "Because I don't want to go. It's a stupid tradition."

"C'mon. People won't expect you to go." Trying to appeal to the man's anti-social side.

"Why are you pushing for this?" Ianto felt himself flush with anger. He had been doing so well, keeping his emotions under control and just to have Jack just pulled them out pull them back out, "What's in it for you?"

Jack felt guilty, like he was just accused of cheating on Ianto, "Oh, so now I need to have a motive to want to be with you?"

"You tell me."

"You need therapy, you know that?" Jack asked quickly and angrily, "Has anyone ever told you that?"

Ianto felt suspicious and a little hurt at Jack saying he needed help, "Just answer the question, Jack."

"Nothing!" Jack all but yelled in a fit of anger, "There is nothing in it for me. Just the pleasure of your company." He felt dirty for lying to Ianto, he could lie to most anyone but he had gotten to know the other boy and found himself liking what he saw.

Ianto glared and stood up, going inside the house and slamming the door behind him.


Rhys was glad he still had French Lessons with Gwen, even though it seemed she was better than he was.

"May I offer you a parsnip." Rhys asked in French, reading the text from his book.

"No, you may not." Gwen said, not even looking at her book and staring out in front of her, bored.

"Where is your uncle's pencil?" Rhys asked, going with the book relentlessly.

"I don't know. Perhaps it's up your arse?" Gwen countered.

"Wait." Rhys said, flustered and turning pages in the book, having no idea what Gwen just said, "Wait a minute. That's not on this page."

<"Let me ask you a question, Rhys." Gwen said in French, tone angry, "When are you going to ask me out?" She got up and stormed off leaving Rhys at the table.

He flipped through his book, looking for a clue. After a few seconds looking he found a page that gave an idea on what she said, "Shit."


Tommy opened his locker to find a suit that resembled those made in the 1920's along with a note.

"Hey Sugar. Join me at the dance and all that jazz. Love Louise Brooks."

He grinned to himself, happy to see he had someone to go to the dance with.


Martha was on the deck of their house, working out on the equipment, working on keeping fit. Moving from doing sit-ups to a stretchy-arm-workout device she smiled when Gwen walked up to her. "Mam?"

"Hi honey."

"Um, I want to discuss tomorrow night with you." Gwen took a breath, "As you know, it's the dance-"

Martha had not been expecting that to come up in conversation and she accidentally let go the device, sending it flying away from their house. "The dance? Ianto has a date?"

"Well, no." Gwen said quietly.

"Don't think you're fooling me for a second." Martha said, hands on her hips, "I know who you want to bend the rules for. It's that Owen?" Gwen furrowed her eyebrows, an expression Martha mistook as affirmation. "If your brother's not going, you're not going. End of story."

"Okay. Let's review. Ianto: not interested. Me: dying to go." Gwen pleaded.

"Do you know what happens at dances?"

"Yes Mam." Gwen said patently, "We'll dance. We'll kiss. We'll come home. It's not the crisis situation you imagine."

"Kissing huh?" Martha asked, "That's what you think happens? Got news for you. Kissing isn't what keeps me up to my elbows in placenta all day long."

"Can we, for two seconds, ignore the fact that you are severely unhinged and discuss my need for a night of teenage normalcy?"

"What's normal? All those kids on the shows sleeping in each other's beds and whatnot?"

"Mam, that's so not-" Gwen tried to tell Martha, only to be cut off.

"Got news for you, I know what it's like to be your age. Remember, I once was and I know how it goes." Gwen groaned and walked off just in time for the work-out device to come flying back.


Gwen was laying on her bed, wishing she could go to the dance, when Ianto knocked on her door. "Come in."

"Listen," Ianto started, "I know you hate having to sit at home because I'm not Mr. Popular."

"Like you care." Gwen responded flatly.

"I do care." Ianto sat down beside Gwen, "But I'm a firm believer in doing something for your own reasons, and not someone else's."

"Well, I wish I had that luxury." Gwen bit out, "You know, I'm the only one in my class who got asked to go to the dance and I can't go, because you don't feel like it."

Ianto sighed and very hesitantly asked, "You don't know what Owen did, do you?"

Sitting up Gwen eyed her brother, "Wha'd he do?"

"It was when I was going out with Lisa." Ianto licked his lips, "You know I've said I won't date anyone who cheats, right?" Gwen nodded, "That's because Lisa was seeing other men behind my back."

"Well, yeah." Gwen stated, "She left you for that cyberman."

"No, you don't understand, Gwen." Ianto said, "Not talking to someone online and getting to know them, I mean Lisa had sex with others. Owen was her favorite. He knew she was in a relationship with me and he didn't care. He was dating Katie at the time as well."

"He what?"

"We were friends then." Ianto continued, "Owen and I. He knew that I was head over heels about Lisa and he was bored one day. Simply put they had sex. This went on for months before one day Owen decided to gloat."

"Oh, Ianto." Gwen said.

"I punched his lights out." Ianto said firmly.

"How come you didn't tell me about this?" Gwen asked, "We were close then."

"I wanted you to make up your own mind about him."

"Then why did you help Mam hold me hostage?" Gwen said angrily.

Ianto responded calmly, "I guess I thought I was protecting you. Didn't want your heart broken like mine had been."

"By not letting me experience anything myself?"

"Not all experiences are good, Gwen." Ianto stood up, "You can't always trust the people you want to."

"Well, I guess I'll never know, will I?" Gwen spat out as she rose to her feet and held the door open for Ianto, silently telling him he should leave.

Ianto left without a word and went to his room. Laying on his bed Ianto closed his eyes and thought.


Martha was sat in the living room reading a magazine when she heard Ianto come down the stairs, "Bye Mam, I'm going to the dance."

If Martha had looked up at Ianto she would see that he was in a very fine tux that had clearly been tailored for him. Only she didn't and as she thought he was joking, "Funny, sweetie."

Gwen followed in a dress, her hair done up and heels on. Martha saw this right away and quickly put down her magazine and crossed the room to her, "What's that?"

"A dress for the dance." Gwen answered with a small smile.

Martha frowned. "I seem to be hearing that word a lot lately."

The doorbell rang, and Gwen opened the door revealing Rhys standing in the doorway looking sharp in a tux of his own. He grinned and as he looked Gwen up and down. "Wow. I um- wow."

Gwen smiled, pleased by the speechless reaction she had received. "Bye Mam."

"Stop." Martha commanded, giving the teens pause. "Turn. Explain."

Gwen looked serious, ready to explain how she was able to go to the dance. "Okay, remember how you said I could date if Ianto dated? Well, he found this guy," she didn't notice Martha raising and eyebrow, "who's actually kinda perfect for him. Which is actually kinda perfect for me, because Rhys," she glanced and grinned at the boy, "asked me to go to the dance, and I really, really, really wanna go. And since Ianto went, I guess I'm allowed to, based on the aforementioned rule, and it's previous stipulations, of course." When Gwen was done with that she had put her serious face back on for a second before turning to Rhys with a large smile on her face, "Let's go."

{Chapter Six|

torchwoodoctorwho, reeltw, fanfreakin'fiction

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