Romance Done Spitefully (6/6)

May 17, 2010 16:11

Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Okay, here we go. This is the last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed it, I know I did enjoy writing it.

{Story Time|

Chapter Six

Ianto was stood beside the doors to the dance, waiting for Jack to show up. He was surprised to hear that the band wasn't that terrible. "Wow." Ianto turned and found Jack staring at him with a grin on his face.

"You too." Ianto replied. "Where'd you get the tux at the last minute?"

"Oh, just something I had." Jack said airily, "You know, lying around. Where'd you get your tux?"

"Oh, just something I had." Ianto repeated Jack's line, "You know, lying around." He paused, "Listen. I'm really sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong."

"You're forgiven." Jack kissed Ianto on the forehead, "Okay. Ready for the dance?"

"Yes sir."


Owen thought he looked divine. He wore the nicest tux he could afford and had a white scarf that set off the black. Walking up to the Jones' house he knocked and waited.

Martha opened the door and raised an eyebrow.

"Hello Ms. Jones. I'm here to pick up Gwen." Owen informed her.

Martha's eyes narrowed a bit and she slammed the door in his face.


Jack and Ianto entered the dance floor. and Ianto couldn't help but grin when he saw Gwen dancing with Rhys. From what he'd seen of the other boy he was a nice kid. Good for Gwen, Ianto thought. To Ianto it seemed as if his intentions were pure, purer then Owen's.

Tommy came up then, in his tux that looked like it came from the 1920's. "Have you seen her?"

"Seen who?" Ianto asked.

"Louise." Tommy said, looking around, "Louise Brooks. She said she'd meet me here."

"Oh Tommy. Please tell you haven't progressed to full-on hallucinations."

Jack looked around and saw Toshiko on the stage. Catching Tommy's attention he nodded towards her.

Turning he spotted her and saw Tosh dressed as a 1920's flapper girl. He grinned and walked up to her as she came down and met him. from the stage. Greeting her the two went off to dance.

Later on in the night Gwen was in the restroom, checking her make-up and hair in the mirror when Diane walked in. Staring, Gwen was surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you don't think you were the only one in our class at the dance?" Diane asked, aloof, "Owen just picked me up."

"Well congratulations." Gwen responded honestly, "He's all yours."

"Very generous princess." Diane replied, "And just so you know, Owen only liked you for one reason. He even had a bet going on with his friends. He was gonna nail you tonight."


Jack and Ianto were dancing when Jack suddenly said, "Milwaukee."


"Milwaukee, Wisconsin." Jack started, "That's where I was last year. I wasn't in jail, I don't know Marilyn Manson, and I didn't sleep with a Spice Girl - I don't think. You see, my grandpa, he was ill, so I spent most of the year sitting on his couch watching The Price is Right and eating microwave soups." He grinned, "End of story."

Ianto laughed but the laughter was short lived; Owen grabbed Jack and started yelling. "Hey! What's Gwen doing here with that cheese dick? I didn't pay you to take out Ianto so that little punk could snake me with Gwen."

Jack stared at Ianto and was horrified to see a look of hurt followed by his stoic wall going up, "Nothing in it for you, huh?" He turned and stalked out. Jack ignored Owen as he rushed out after the hurt man.

Toshiko and Tommy, having seen it all of that go down, they rushed over to Rhys and Gwen, "The shit has hit the fan." She frowned and pointed over to where Owen,seeing Jack pursue the retreating Welshman.

Tosh and Rhys walked over to Owen, "Owen, pal, comrade." Tosh started, "Listen-"

Owen pushed her down and Rhys went to help her up when Owen started talking, "You messed with the wrong guy, and now you're gonna pay. You, and that little bitch."

Rhys turned and glared at Owen, not liking the sound of all that. "Alright, that's enough! Okay? You crossed the line."

Owen punched Rhys in the face, making the boy fall down on the ground, "Oh come on! Get up, you little punk." He turned when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Owen had time to see Gwen's fist aimed for his face. He covered his nose with his hands, "Shit Gwen! I'm shooting a nose spray ad tomorrow!"

"That's for making my date bleed." Gwen punched him again, "That's for my brother." She kneed him in the crotch, making Owen fall to the floor, "And that's for me." She and Tommy helped their respective dates up. "Are you okay?"

Rhys smiled, "Never been better."


Ianto was almost at the door when Jack caught up to him, "Would you give me a chance?"

"You were paid to take me out!" Ianto turned on Jack, "By the one person I truly hate. I knew this was a set-up."

"Ianto, it wasn't like that, okay?" Jack protested.

"Really?" Ianto asked skeptically, "What was it like? A down payment now and a bonus for sleeping with me?"

"No," Jack said, "I didn't care about the money, okay? I cared," he swallowed, "I cared about you."

Ianto couldn't help but look at Jack in both sadness and anger. He should have known it was too good. "You are so not who I thought you were."

Jack reached out and grabbed Ianto, giving him a kiss and trying to convince the Welshman that he did care. Ianto quickly backed away and ran out the door.

Gwen joined Jack, watching as her brother run away, frowning. She'd been glad to see her brother seem happy and was glad that she had helped but now she was anything but.


The next morning Gwen stepped out onto the front porch to see Ianto sitting, doodling in a sketch book. "You sure you don't want to go sailing with us? It'll be fun."

"No, I'm fine."

"Look." Gwen said, wanting to cheer her brother up some, "I don't know if I ever thanked you for going last night, but it really meant a lot to me."

"I'm glad."

At that moment Rhys walked up and the pair ran out to the car. As they walked Rhys asked, "Is he okay?"

Gwen glanced back quickly, "I hope so."

Martha walked out and stood next to him, watching the car drive off, "Where's your sister going?"

"She's meeting some bikers." he responded sarcastically, "Big ones. Full of sperm."

"Funny." Martha replied, clearly not amused, "So, tell me about this dance. Was it fun?"

"Parts of it."

"Which parts?" She asked, sitting down next to him.

"The part where Gwen beat the hell out of some guy." He smiled faintly, remembering the scene fondly.

Martha's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Gwen did what?" .

"What's the matter?" Ianto asked.

"I'm impressed." Martha started, "You know, parents don't like to admit it when their kids are capable of running their own lives. It means we've become spectators. Gwen still lets me play a few innings. You've had me on the bench for years. And when you go to Canary Wharf, I won't even be able to watch the game."

It was Ianto's turn to raise his eyebrows, "When I go?"

"Don't tell me you've changed your mind. I've already sent them the money." grinning, he gave Martha a hug.


The Doctor faced his class, "All right. I assume everyone found time to complete their poem. Except for Owen," The class turned to look at the boy who sulked in the back, hiding behind his shades., "who has an excuse. Hey, glasses off." Owen slowly took off the tinted glasses revealing two black eyes and a swollen nose. "Alright." The Doctor addressed the class, "Anyone brave enough to read theirs aloud?"

No one moved for a short time. Ianto slowly raised his hand, "I will."

Jack looked up, surprised.

Ianto stood in front of his class and took a breath before starting.

"I hate the way you talk to me

And I hate the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car.

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

And the way you read my mind.

I hate you so hard it makes me sick.

It even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right.

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh;

Even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around

And the fact that you didn't call,

But mostly I hate that I don't hate you;

Not even close;

Not even a little bit;

Not even at all."

Ianto glanced at Jack, their eyes connecting before he walked out of the classroom.


Ianto walked alone to his car. As he came closer his brows knit together and then raised in surprise. Reaching in through his car window he picked up a Fender Stratocaster guitar.

"Nice huh?" Jack asked from behind.

The Welshman turned around and smiled slightly, "A Fender Strat? Is this for me?"

"Yeah. I thought you could use it. You know, when you start a band." Jack started, "Besides, I had some extra cash, you know. Some asshole paid me to take out a really great guy."

Ianto smiled, "Is that right?"

"Yeah, but I screwed up. I fell for him." Ianto blushed as Jack leaned in to kiss him. Ianto let him but broke it off suddenly.

"You can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know." He informed Jack.

The American nodded, "Yeah, I know. But then, you know, there's always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine." He attempted to kiss the younger man again, only to be interrupted.

"And don't just think you can-" Ianto protested.

Jack kissed him again and didn't let the kiss end.

torchwoodoctorwho, reeltw, fanfreakin'fiction

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