Romance Done Spitefully (4/6)

May 17, 2010 16:01

Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Not really much to say... other than I hope you'll all enjoying this.

{Story Time|

Chapter Four

Mary glared about her when her house had been suddenly taken over by her classmates, who had stormed in, bringing beer and music and noise. She was very glad that her parents were out of town for week.; Though she already knew that she'd have to hire someone to clean up the mess.

Ianto and Jack made their way through the crowd when a girl attached herself to Jack, "Kiss me!" She told him.

Jack really wouldn't say no but in his peripheral vision he saw Ianto glanced at him and he knew he couldn't kiss her,. Grabbing her and turned her to a nearby guy, "Kiss him."

"Okay!" she grinned and clung to the stranger, kissing him deeply.

Ianto had continued walking through the crowd and walked on into the next room where he ran into found Owen, "Sweet!" he held a drink in his hand, "Lookin' fresh tonight, Ianto."

Ianto rolled his eyes and pointed to Owen's head, "Is that? Did your hairline just recede?"

Owen quickly brought his hand up to his hair in panic before realizing Ianto had started walking away, he jumped after him, "Hey, where you going?"


"Your sister here?" Owen asked.

Ianto turned and glared, voice dark, "You stay away from my sister."

Owen gave a smirk, "Oh, I'll stay away from your sister. But I can't guarantee that she'll stay away from me."

Just then a loud crash came from the other room along with the word, "Fight!"

Owen grinned, "Ooo. Fight!" He bounded into the room. and Ianto continued along his way.

Later Owen had his arm around Gwen and smirked when he spotted her brother. "Ianto, guess who found me?"

Gwen was doing her best to ignore her brother as Owen was steered them away. Ianto said, "Gwen, wait."

Gwen turned around, looking annoyed, "Please don't address me in public."

"No wait. There's something I need to tell you." he said in earnest, hoping she would listen to him.

"Look, I'm busy enjoying my adolescence," Gwen said, "so scamper off and do the same." Owen they walked off then, leaving Ianto by himself. A man came by with a tray full of shots.

"Want one?"

Jack had just found Ianto in time to see him nodding to the man and grabbing a shot before quickly downing it with apparent discomfort.

"I've been looking all over the place for you." Jack said, ignoring the man with the shots, "And what's this?" He nodded to the empty shot glass that Ianto put on the tray before grabbing another one. He did not drink it right away, Jack noticed, but he also did not put it back down.

Mockingly Ianto said, "I'm getting trashed man." he then asked in his normal tone, "Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a party?"

"I dunno." Jack said, "I usually say do what you wanna do."

Ianto all but sneered, "Funny. You're the only one." He downed that shot and went into the next room, leaving Jack again.

Upon arrival Rhys and Toshiko had split up; soon enough they met up again. "Hey, seen Gwen around anywhere?" he was asked, looking around nervously.

Tosh looked around, spotting her and Diane coming down the stairs, she pointed at them. "Relax, relax. Follow the love."

Rhys smiled and walked over to them, "Hi Gwen."

"Oh, hi Rhys." She paused, unsure what to do, "You know Diane?"

"Yeah." Rhys looked at Diane, "I think we have art together, right?"

"Neat." Diane bit out, ; clearly she didn't see it as neat.

Rhys ignored Diane, "So uh, you look really amazing."

Gwen looked down, "Thanks." She had said a small smile on her face.

Owen walked down the stairs and grinned when he saw the girls, obviously hearing the compliment Rhys have Gwen. he said, "We all know I look amazing." Diane looked at him and grinned ; , she approved of Owen over Rhys any day. He put an arm around Gwen, "Ladies, lets go. We're all congregating around Mr. Cuervo."

Gwen allowed herself to be led away but looked back at Rhys, "Um, I'll see you around, okay?"

Rhys watched them leave, absolutely crushed. Clearly Gwen was using him to get to Owen. She didn't really want him. He sighed and turned around, wanting out of the party.

Owen had a beer in one hand and his arm slung over Gwen's shoulder, just talking to her, "So, I've got this Catalog thing going on - and the tube sock gig. That's gonna be huge!" He paused, "And I'm up for a hemorrhoid cream ad next week." Gwen made face of disgust, "I know it sound kind of bogus, but I get to do some acting." He let go of her and put his empty beer can onto a tall pyramid of others and struck a pose, feet spread apart, hands on his hips and head looking to the left. After a few seconds he looked back at Gwen, "See what I did there?"

"Uh-huh." Even though she didn't.

"That was underwear." Owen said happily, "I'll show you the bathing suit one next." And he proceeded to strike the same pose. "See the difference?"

Gwen looked away,. What had she ever seen in Owen?. He was just stupid. He couldn't hold much of a conversation and would only talk about himself. Rhys talked about her all the time. She sighed, wishing she had gone with Rhys instead. Standing up, she left, finding Diane, "Is it just me, or does this party suck all the sudden?"

Meanwhile Jack had been searching the crowded party for Ianto. and When he did find him the Welshman had some alcohol in one hand and by the looks of him, had quite a few already. He frowned,

"Hey hey hey! Why don't you let me have this one, huh?"

Ianto pulled the cup closer to him, "No. This one's mine." He moved away again but Jack wasn't going about to let him get out of his sight. That is, until Owen patted Jack on the shoulder.

"My man! How did you get him to do it?"

"Do what?" Jack asked, actually worried for Ianto.

"Act like a human?" They walked into the next room where Ianto climbed up on an expensive table and started dancing, the crowd cheering at the sight. Gwen was up on a balcony and saw her brother. and she hurt because though she often wished he was normal and did that sort of thing easily, it just wasn't him. She rushed off hoping to escape the party.

Jack watched, close to the table, as Ianto danced and then hit his head on the ceiling lamp, pausing for a second before falling down. Jack, catching him and looked down at the drunken man over, worried, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ianto protested, trying to sit up but before falling back again.

"You're not fine." Jack tried to not let his anxiety show through. "C'mon." He helped Ianto walk down the hallway.

"I just need to lie down somewhere." Ianto said, slurred, trying to lay down on a chair.

"No. You lie down you go to sleep." Jack pulled Ianto back into a standing position.

"Sleep is good." Ianto grinned.

"Yeah." Jack said, "Not if you have a concussion." He led Ianto outside of Mary's house and sitting him down in a chair, "Here, sit down. Sit." He helped Ianto get some balance.

Rhys spotted Jack propping Ianto into a sitting position. Tapping him on the shoulder, "Hey, we need to talk."

"I'm a little busy right now ," he responded, irritated.

"Can you give me a second?" Rhys asked and as Jack turned to look at him, leaving Ianto to sit by himself, "It's off, okay? The whole things off."

"What are you talking about?" Jack's brow furrowed in confusion.

"She never wanted me." Rhys all but yelled, "She wanted Owen the whole time."

Jack really didn't have time for this, he had a drunk and probably concussed Welshman to deal with, "Rhys - do you like the girl?" he asked a bit forceful.


"Yeah. And is she worth all this trouble?" He was very impatient.

"Well, I thought she was." Rhys said slowly, "But, you know, I-"

"Well either she is, or she isn't." Jack cut him off, "See, first of all, Owen's not half the man you are." Rhys smiled at that, "Secondly, don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Go for it." He quickly turned when Ianto started to fall off the chair. Catching him he stood up, bringing the man to his feet. "C'mon." he lead Ianto away from the party and left Rhys to think about the advice he just got.

Jack was basically marched Ianto up a hill to a swing set. "You're so patronizing." Ianto said, annoyed that Jack was holding him up.

"Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed."

Ianto pushed Jack away, wanting to walk on his own, "I don't think so." He promptly fell on the ground and then stood back up, "Why are you doing this?"

Jack reached out and helped Ianto again, "I told you, you may have a concussion."

"You don't care if I never wake up." The way Ianto said it struck a chord with Jack, it seemed as if he thought no one would care.

Jack grinned, "Sure I do." He realized that he actually did care. 'Course he wasn't that heartless.

"Why?" Ianto asked as Jack set him down on the swing set.

Jack sat down on the swing next to him, "Well then, I'd have to start talking to people who actually like me." He flashed another grin.

"Like you could find one."

"See that there?" Jack pointed to Ianto, "Who needs affection when I have blind hatred."

Ianto smiled at Jack, sitting fine for a bit before suddenly falling backwards out of the swing.

"Jesus!" Jack grabbed him again, helping him get back into the swing. Making sure Ianto was fine After some fussing, he continued the conversation, "Why do you let him get to you?"



"I hate him." A frown darkened the younger man's face.

Jack sighed, "Well, I think you found the perfect revenge: mainlining tequila." shared a laugh.

"Well, you know what they say." Ianto started.

"No, what do they say?" Jack couldn't help but smile. That is until he looked at Ianto and saw he was asleep. Startled, he jumped out of the swing and started patting Ianto's cheek. "No no no no!

Ianto! C'mon, wake up! Look at me! Listen to me, Ianto. Open your eyes!" Worry was apparent in his voice. He slapped Ianto lightly.

Ianto opened his eyes and smiled up at Jack, "Hey. You're eyes are really blue." Jack smiled in relief, glad that Ianto was fine. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Ianto threw up on Jack's feet.


Gwen was waiting around with Diane, talking about going with the crowd to a new place to party, "I don't know if we should go." Gwen said.

Owen walked up then, "Hey, we're going to Janet's house. Ready?"

Gwen said, "I uh, I have to be home in twenty minutes." Not to mention she really didn't want to go. The party wasn't anything like she thought it would be.

Diane was eager to go, "You know," she said in a flirting tone, "I don't have to be home 'til two."

Owen glanced at Gwen, "One more chance."

"Oh man." Gwen said with fake disappointment, "I can't. Damn."

"That's a shame." Diane turned to Owen, "Well?"

Owen tilted his head, "You wanna go?"


"Diane!" Gwen couldn't believe her friend was leaving her.

"Hey, you passed." Diane smirked as Owen wrapped his arm around her shoulders and the two walked off.

Rhys came out of the door to see Gwen standing by herself. "Hey, you have fun tonight?" He had an edge to his tone.

"Tons." Gwen said sarcastically. She watched as he started walking away, "Hey, Rhys?" He stopped and turned while she flashed him a shy smile, "Could you give me a ride home?"

{Chapter Five|

torchwoodoctorwho, reeltw, fanfreakin'fiction

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