new friends

Oct 26, 2007 12:41

i had the day off on friday and after spending a bit of time at the library nerding it up i went to jess' place with a bottle of wine. we played some scrabble and decided we needed more booze, so we went back to somerfield and left with 2 frozen pizzas and 5 more bottles of wine. we emptied all 6 bottles. we are amazing. on the way home, being a proper halifax drunk, i stopped at the chippy to get some pizza [as if i hadn't had enough earlier]. on the way out this japanese guy stops me and says "hi! how are you? we meet the other day. you are from canada." apparently after our drunken football night i met him somewhere on the way home. so i re-meet him in another drunken haze, but at least this time i remember. saturday night anne-camille and i went to nice'n'sleazys for some drinks and someone taps me on the shoulder. i turn around and it's my new friend toshi! later in the night he asks "do you trade mobile? if you go to party you call me!" i told him he has to call me if he goes to any as well. i've decided we will be best friends forever and i will learn japanese.

i met a few other cool people later on in the night and was going to go to a party with them, but there was some unfortunate drama that slowed down the process and ended up with the party all going their separate ways. next time.

i just found out oink got shut down. dammit. it was a wonderful month and a half while it lasted for me. at least i got about 9 gigs of music out of it while i could.

i got my second roll of lomo photos back and they are much much better. unfortunately i ruined half the roll at indian summer when i opened the camera [twice] before it was finished rewinding so there aren't a lot of awesome pictures. sarah [ lecabinet ] there is a fun picture of you i will show you once i get them onto my computer.

i came home from work on tuesday and headed to the library to nerd it up again. i logged into facebook to find a bunch of messages from ian and mike saying that risky business were IN glasgow and playing a gig at the barfly that night!! i thought i wouldn't get to see them as i didn't have time off to get to see them in manchester, but they got a gig in glasgow at the last minute and all i had to do was walk down to the river to see them! it was awesome to get an unexpected visit with friends from home.

oooh! guess who is going to see led zeppelin in london at the end of november? that's right! i got a confirmation email sometime on tuesday saying i was selected in the lottery to purchase tickets and it gave me a password that would expire at 5pm thursday. i didn't get to check my email until 9:30pm last night while i was at work. i was like aww crap. the manager from the restaurant was in the office and asked what happened? so i told him and he FREAKED out and was like TRY ANYWAY TRY ANYWAY. he pulls out his mobile and has pics of the band as his wallpaper and everything. so i try the password and it works! and somehow my canadian credit card managed to work even though i haven't paid it off in months and months. so i am now going to london to see led zeppelin with a random dude from work. should be interesting...

and today is arcade fire friday!! alex [ms_elusive] is coming up from edinburgh for the gig and a wee visit. i am excited! they can't possibly cancel on me twice in one year can they?
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