return to sender?

Nov 03, 2007 14:12

this morning i received a piece of mail for angelika kluk. it sort of weirded me out. i should probably give you some background information, especially for those of you not in scotland.

when i was first viewing this flat my landlord told me that my room had remained empty for quite some time in the spring as the polish girl living in the other room had been very unfriendly to potential flatmates and had completely discouraged others from moving in. he mentioned that she had gone through some personal tragedy a year previously. later on he mentioned that the tragedy was that her sister had passed away.

one night shortly after i moved in, my flatmate jess and i were chatting and she brought up her previous flatmate, aneta. when jess moved in nigel hadn't mentioned a word to her about aneta's 'tragedy'. she moved in and aneta barely spoke to her, except to ask her not to have her boyfriend in the flat without notice because of something she had gone through in her past. aneta would have friends over constantly and monopolize the kitchen and living room so much so that jess felt like she had to stay in her room while she was in the flat. jess had no idea what was going on and felt like aneta was being incredibly rude to her for no reason. eventually aneta moved out and the next day a piece of mail came for her. jess saw the name 'aneta kluk' and it rang a bell but she couldn't place it. she mentioned it to her friend who put together that she was angelika kluk's sister. the tragedy - her highly publicized brutal rape and murder. something that should maybe have been mentioned to someone moving in with the sister just after the lengthy trial.

it's been well over a year now since she died, and virgin mobile is still sending mail to her at an address she never even lived at.
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