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Oct 19, 2007 14:38

broken social scene presents kevin drew was pretty fabulous monday night. there is something very comforting about seeing someone wearing your favourite band's tshirt when you are living in a different country. even more comforting when the person wearing said shirt is the singer from one of your other favourite bands.

kevin drew wearing a sweet constantines shirt! [photo stolen from uniquefergus]

bill priddle, of treble charger "fame", is touring with them. the last time i saw him he was in halifax in 2005 playing pop explosion with don vail. one night after a gig at the marquee a pile of people came back to my place to drink and smoke and continue the party.

loel and bill on my balcony.

at the time i thought, man, if back in 1997 i knew i'd be partying in my apartment with one of the dudes from treble charger 16 year old me would be pretty impressed with 24 year old me. now 26 year old me is much more pleased with having some connection to bss be there rather than treble charger.

i went into edinburgh last night to see battles. holy shit. amazing. it seemed far too short but was so so so so so damn awesome. in related news, i have a new huge rockstar crush on tyondai braxton. i think this is my biggest crush since jordan knight. this is serious stuff! he was magical on stage. i never wanted the gig to end.

that's him on the right. i think you need to see the live show to fully understand the MEGACRUSH i have on this guy.

in non-gig related news, things are good! i started at the hotel on tuesday and everything seems pretty great there. anne-camille moved into the city a few weeks ago and we've been hanging out lots. we went to watch the scotland vs. georgia match at a pub the other night but we thought the game started an hour and a half later than it actually did, so when we arrived georgia was up 2-0 and there was 25 minutes left in the game. sort of disappointing but we'll be back for more! right now i am internerdless at home cause tiscali is a big pile of dog poo, so i have to nerd it up at the library. my laptop battery is about to die so i should probably click post soon. i will be back to full time nerd sometime in the next 10 business days!
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