the canadian invasion

May 18, 2007 15:52

the other day i'm chatting with claire and she mentions that she had been in a store earlier and saw that nme magazine had a canadian music cd on it and she noticed that wintersleep and holy fuck were on it. i was like what the hell??! so i run up to somerfield and pick up the magazine myself. all kinds of canadian goodness!! holy fuck were the #2 rated band and wintersleep and land of talk [for the dp kids] also got little blurbs to go with their songs. it's pretty cool to see a picture of brian, loel, mike, and graham in a magazine in scotland [karley, brian is wearing a ford plant tshirt!]. the besnard lakes are the #1 band listed. i have heard this name a lot in the last few weeks but had no clue who they were and hadn't realized they were canadian for that matter. i guess they are playing in glasgow on monday and i think the wintersleep boys might be in town by then so i think i may go up and see what all the fuss is about.

and! battles are playing in glasgow next week too!! i just found out the other day and i'm super excited for that show! and i will get to visit with the wintersleep boys! next week will be so great! friends! music! goodness! can i possibly use any more exclamation marks?

YES! because i saw do make say think last night in glasgow and they were amazing! i miss good music! that show was just what i needed. my new friend kyla [from edmonton, but living here now] came with me and we had a lovely time. we went for a coffee and beer at nice'n'sleazys when we got into town. does edinburgh have any place like that? cause it should. we got to the bar where the show was and had to wait and wait and wait to go downstairs. the opening band reminded me a little tiny bit of the sleepless nights for some reason but the sleepless nights are about 879357 times better. do make say think were fantastic but we had to leave before they were done to catch the [always amusing] last bus back to edinburgh.

julie doiron tshirt!

my next little while is looking like this..

end of may - multiple trips to glasgow and visits with wintersleep
june 14th - karley and aaron in edinburgh
june 15th - 18th - amsterdam with karley and aaron
june 25th [i think] - holy fuck in glasgow

july - workworkwork. and hopefully flaming lips and wilco and more at indian summer in glasgow or this in spain. glasgow will probably win.

august - THE BIG QUESTION MARK. if i can get the rest of my flatmates to agree, we can extend our lease for an extra month and i can stay here at least through the festival. if not, i am screwed. i can either move somewhere else in the uk [i am thinking manchester or glasgow (because i always have to go there in order to have any fun which has become quite evident even in this post)] or go back to canada. if i go to canada i am thinking of either moving to montreal or back to halifax. there is a little facebook group war going on between karley and brian over this which is hilariously awesome in the most lame way ever [YOU GUYS AREN'T LAME! just facebook!]. i want to be everywhere and don't know what to do. summer is going to fly by and i need to make decisions soon. kjghrkhgkhdfkjhgjkhd.
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