Video: George Osborne’s ‘pantomime dame’ jibe

Dec 22, 2010 12:13

The Chancellor, George Osborne, was accused of being “homophobic” by out gay Labour MP Chris Bryant yesterday for joking that the latter was a “pantomime dame”.

Mr Bryant, the MP for Rhondda, said afterwards: “I don’t think he would have said that phrase if I was not gay.

“I think when he gets back to the office he will probably think to himself ‘I should send a little note saying sorry, I didn’t mean to offend’.

“We all get it wrong sometimes and I think he got it wrong this time,” he added.

Mr Osborne’s aides said he had merely been making a Christmas joke after Mr Bryant accused him of being “Baron Hardup”.

Source: Pink News

Considering he's a fucking Tory, a party which no matter how much it tries to doll itself up will always be the party of Section 28 and Janet Young, not giving him the benefit of the doubt here.

uk: conservative / tories, homophobia, uk

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