"Gays ruin marriage!" 'ORLY? PROVE IT.'

Oct 15, 2009 09:57

Judge refuses to dismiss gay marriage ban suit

He asks lawyers to show how gay unions pose threat to traditional ones
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge challenged the backers of California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage Wednesday to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens conventional unions, a demand that prompted their lawyer to ( Read more... )

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Comments 68

salienne October 15 2009, 14:44:48 UTC
This judge gives me warm fuzzy feelings. ^.^


jesidres October 15 2009, 14:49:15 UTC
Doesn't he?

Also, completely OT, but every time I see your icon I have to giggle.


salienne October 15 2009, 14:57:15 UTC
Also, completely OT, but every time I see your icon I have to giggle.

mte in regards to your icon

That is AMAZING.


jesidres October 15 2009, 14:59:20 UTC
You know during the The Last of the Time Lords you were just waiting for him to yell "Gallifrey Power Makeup"!

It would have made probably just as much sense.


bludstone October 15 2009, 14:49:52 UTC
He asks lawyers to show how gay unions pose threat to traditional ones

Oh this is going to be fantastic.

... )


quizzicalsphinx October 15 2009, 14:58:33 UTC
Well obviously if gays get married, they're going to . . . um, invite straight friends to their wedding. Some of whom might be married. And the straight married friends might have to request time off from work. And if a whole bunch of people request time off from work to attend friends' marriages all at once, it will weaken our already unstable economy. There's a lot of research backing the fact that a high percentage of divorces are caused by disagreements on household finances. Therefore . . . okay, okay, I am really reaching here.


bludstone October 15 2009, 14:59:51 UTC


quizzicalsphinx October 15 2009, 15:05:42 UTC


eyetosky October 15 2009, 14:50:06 UTC
Usually I quote a 'lil bit of the article in italics to hone a reaction, but I could not choose out of the cavalcade of silliness coming out of Cooper's mouth, nor could I pinpoint the most awesome of the judge's comments and questions, because it was all that good.

This'll be like the Creationism trials all over again, except they'll have to try and prove their point with science(!), and it is not on their side.


jesidres October 15 2009, 14:55:59 UTC
I know, and its just sending warm fuzzies through my heart- what are they going to do, point to Massachusetts as proof? MA's divorce rate has steadily DECREASED over the last five years since Gay marriage was legalized.


apocalypsos October 15 2009, 14:59:18 UTC
They know they can't use it as proof, too. Look at the lawyer's idiot comment about how they don't have enough information out of the test case of Massachusetts yet. Of course not, silly! The gays haven't started forcefully divorcing the rest of the population yet!


papilio_luna October 15 2009, 14:54:25 UTC
Accusations of ZOMG ACTIVIST JUDGE in 3... 2... 1...

"What really is happening is the voters who passed Proposition 8 are essentially on trial in this case, and they continue to be accused of being irrational and bigoted for restoring the traditional definition of marriage," he said.

Well good, I'm glad we're all clear on that.


apocalypsos October 15 2009, 14:57:25 UTC
they continue to be accused of being irrational and bigoted for restoring the traditional definition of marriage

Funny, I don't remember Prop 8 rescinding women's rights and reinstating dowries.


papilio_luna October 15 2009, 14:59:50 UTC
Well, mainly the being irrational and bigoted part, because they are definitely that. This whole "traditional marriage" rhetoric is just ricockulous anyway. Traditional where? For whom? At what point in history?


quizzicalsphinx October 15 2009, 15:01:22 UTC

apocalypsos October 15 2009, 14:54:33 UTC
So basically, if I'm reading the lawyer correctly, "I have no evidence, therefore you should side with me."

... okay! *eyeroll*

I love that this judge is making him prove it. Because, you know, it's a courtroom. Maybe somebody should tell these lawyers that's what they're supposed to DO there.


kimbari October 16 2009, 00:41:00 UTC
Maybe somebody should tell these lawyers that's what they're supposed to DO there.


AFAIC, there's not enough of that in court!


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