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BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jesscp January 19 2015, 10:46:18 UTC
WHY HASNT MRS BALE BURNED THE HAIRBAND YET? IT IS TRULY AWFUL. Can someone give him a haircut, I can't bear looking at Bale photos now for fear of the HAIRBAND! Ugh. Rant over ( ... )


Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jazzypom January 19 2015, 11:01:38 UTC
I hear that Bale might be thinning on top, so that's why he keeps the hair band? I do try and get photos of him from the back- it's best for all involved.

LOL, Gerrard will go soon enough. I can always drop the Gerrard links (I already do try and keep them to a minimum) if there's enough pushback against their inclusion? The posts are supposed to be enjoyable, a bit of trivia and and a giggle if you're doing elevenses or a lunch break at the park or something, with the odd long article when you're on that trainride home (I do the posts as to how I'd like to see 'em done).

It's just that there's an FA cup semi this week, I think, so it's behooves them to keep the narrative going.

Arsenal must have realised that they need to get to the top four to play Champions League next season. :P

Yeah, Giroud's red card break was pretty restorative, no?

Hah, yeah, I'll be pouring libations to Dortmund and LFC, trust me. Bloody hell, can't our teams get a break or nah?


RE: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jesscp January 19 2015, 11:14:10 UTC
He's probably thinning on top because of the constant headband use! Its just like putting a lot of heat on your hair, if you keep doing that it will damage the hair and same with hairbands pulling on the scalp too. i remember when Bale was on the Sky adverts and he said something about always making the right choices (can't remember his exact words) and every time I would see the ad, I would shout to the TV 'the hairband wasn't your best choice ( ... )


Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jazzypom January 19 2015, 11:29:15 UTC
LOL, it's so weird. It's not as if Gerrard is David Beckham (who really courted the whole press attention with his wife), and even Alex Gerrard who used to be so hype and uberwag has calmed the hell down over the years, like, her role is supporting wife and mother and she doesn't seem to chaff at it like she used to. For Gerrard's sake, when he's at Galaxy I hope he ignores LFC and does his own thing for years though. I think once he gets the sun and realises that he can walk about without being Steven Gerrard LFC captain, just Gerrard squad player, that's going to knock that idea of him coming back 'on loan' to LFC on its head. Ian Ayre takes the piss, that one ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jesscp January 19 2015, 12:52:12 UTC
Yeah Alex Curran/Gerrard used to be everywhere and now you barely hear about her. Yeah I think he should only return to LFC once he has retired in some sort of behind the scenes role. Once he leaves as a player he shouldn't be coming back on loan.

Oh yeah Dortmund have problems tracking their actual team mates too when passing. Or we are in the perfect position to pass but no one is at the damn goal to help out. It's just tragic. It's sad when it's not just defence that is the main problem. Ugh Juve will crucify us the way we are going currently.

Giroud totally saved his skin but that red card business needed a big telling off! It shocks me that Bale has been there for a year/more and still hasn't learnt Spanish! I can't imagine living in a country where I can't communicate properly. Considering not everyone in Spain and certainly in the team speak English, I wonder how he communicates. It just beggars belief. You should be learning the language of the country you're in or what's the point!


Re: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jazzypom January 19 2015, 13:05:04 UTC
With Bale, he's fortunate because Ancelotti, Ronaldo, Arbeloa (and Xabi Alonso when he was there) speak English and Spanish. So he does get the instructions. Bale says that he's learning the language (private tution, and that the lessons were going 'Muy bien') but yeah, he has no excuse, tbh. Spain isn't like Germany when you rock up to try and speak to someone in their language only for them to go, "Oh no, I know English." Spain isn't like that at all, so you can make mistakes being on your way to the perfect language. But with the money Bale makes, I guess he has people to do stuff on his behalf so he doesn't have to learn the language? But still, with Real Madrid being what it is, and a big part of one's success in Real Madrid is being a personality as well as a player. He doesn't have Beckham's face and easy charm to gloss over the fact that he didn't speak Spanish in public ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jesscp January 19 2015, 15:23:36 UTC
Yeah it shocks me that Bale has not even grasped the basics- especially being in that country too! Sometimes I wonder if it is more 'I won't do it' than an 'I can't do it' ! Yeah bale doesn't have the brand to gloss over this, so if he is serious about staying at Real, he basically needs to be a bit more Spanish ( ... )


Re: Re: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jazzypom January 19 2015, 15:39:06 UTC
To be honest, even if Bale did badly - like Moyes did on his time out with his first press conference "I've done training, uno, dos, tres... times"- they would have glad to have seen him give it a go. But from what I've gathered past the first press conference when he said that in halting Spanish how Real Madrid was the club of his dreams, he hasn't done it then. Oh well, we'll see.

I remember the days when Mrs Gerrard was forever in OK and Hello mag, in fact I am sure she had her own column in one of those mags?! Don't judge me, during my time at Uni not too long ago, I had a bit of an obsession with buying trashy celeb mags instead of important stuff, like food! That's how I know about the WAGs. But yeah I agree - if Gerrard wants to be a coach, then the route you've mentioned is the best for him. LOL, no judgement. The WAG culture was strong back in the days between 2004-2010. They were real famewhorey then, but after England's diminishing turns of fortune at the World Cup, they've cut back a lot on their visiblity. I think Mrs ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jesscp January 19 2015, 20:59:16 UTC
I know that's the thing - Alonso was in Germany for what, a few months and he's already done a short interview in German, to show that he is committed. Granted his German wasn't perfect, but he gave it a go and it helps endear you more to the fans, doesn't it? Bale refusing or just not bothering to learn Spanish and communicate in it for interviews is a bit arrogant and lazy really.

Gerrard might just be better off coaching at Liverpool, seeing as he hasn't had the experience of other leagues, plus he knows the team so well, having been there pretty much all his playing life.

Dortmund need a massive kick up the arse really. I can't place all the blame on Klopp, his tactics haven't been dreadful but he hasn't changed up the team as much as I would have liked. If it's not working, change it up, don't leave it until the point of being bottom of the table!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BALE TAKE THE DAMN HAIRBAND OFF jazzypom January 19 2015, 22:06:55 UTC
Gerrard might just be better off coaching at Liverpool, seeing as he hasn't had the experience of other leagues, plus he knows the team so well, having been there pretty much all his playing life.

Hmmm, to be honest with you, the 'English' game is pretty much being phased out/turned into a hybrid nowadays. I mean, we'll still expect the players to be individual, but with the influx of foreign managers the age of Harry Rednap seems to be numbered, you know? The English game seems to be changing to more tactics and teamwork and less Roy of the Rovers outlook that Gerrard and co came up up with. Especially now with Europa and Champions League titles becoming more important to the English game. Which is why I'd expect him to at least do a Ryan Giggs and shadow coaches for the while.

Bale refusing or just not bothering to learn Spanish and communicate in it for interviews is a bit arrogant and lazy really. Yeah, Alonso had the added incentive that Pep Guardiola, Spaniard, took it upon himself to learn German six months before he set ( ... )


RE: the baldness aquaecolore January 19 2015, 11:44:09 UTC
it's happening

... )


RE: the baldness jesscp January 19 2015, 12:54:02 UTC
Hair transplants have been successful and his isn't too bad - anything is better than the damn hairband though. I cannot rant about it enough.


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