bits and pieces

Mar 16, 2007 22:58

The mini meetup on Thursday was really fun and relaxing. We had timeless_rose, fullmetalsqishy, mmc_ningyouai, rat and myself taking over a section of the Steak and Shake and covering two tables with dolls. Luckily, the place was pretty empty. It was amusing how, after one large group left, we had the section to ourselves and all the new customers sat WAY over on the other side. *laughs* Dolls are scary.... Booga! Booga!

I hope timeless_rose got home okay, though - she was wilting a bit.

I know my back told me all about it after we were done. I stayed in bed most of the day, just to recoop.


Big doll meetup/work day on Saturday. I hadn't planned on bringing everyone except my blank practice heads but it seems the area folks want to see and bring everyone. Oh well. It is going to be a tight squeeze in the back room so I hope we can manage it.


By the emails I have received, it seems both the Dollmore and the LUTS order have been given EMS numbers and are in the process of being shipped.



Still have gobs of photos to work on and post. *sigh* At least I got the present post finished. It took a week to do it, with me working in a private entry the whole time while I coded the thing. Now I find out Firefox hates the table so I will now change the format for any future stories. I happen to like having the text next to the photo instead of under the photo, but Firefox doesn't like it within the lj theme so I am going to have to change how I do it and just put all the text under the photo. It's not very elegant, but at least it won't go wonky anymore.


Brushed out Nasake's wig, again. That thing can look like it has been licked the wrong way sometimes. Well, the wig is VERY soft so people like to pet him. The oil gunks up his hair a bit. I think I am going to baby powder it next time I work on it, just to get the oil out more.


I best go to bed soon...

dollmore, coding, meetup, luts, order

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