C&C Application

Jul 13, 2009 08:53

NAME: Belltrap
JOURNAL: suzu_no_hito
IM: Emrys the Gbane
E-MAIL: belltrap@gmail.com

FANDOM: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
CHRONOLOGY: After “Someday in the Rain”

Kyon is a sane man in an insane world. Despite being a perfectly normal human, Kyon is recruited by Suzumiya Haruhi, an extremely eccentric girl, into the SOS Brigade, a club she forms for the purpose of finding supernatural, extraterrestrial, and otherwise impossible phenomena, after starting to speak to her regularly and even giving her the idea for the club. In short order, their club is joined by Nagato Yuki, Asahina Mikuru, and Koizumi Itsuki, and Kyon’s life takes a turn for the strange.

He quickly learns that Nagato is an alien, Asahina is a time traveler, and Koizumi is an esper. Each of them was sent by their respective organizations to monitor Haruhi, whom they believe to be the key to something crucial. They even go so far as to suggest she is omnipotent, capable of subconsciously recreating the world if she becomes too displeased with it. Fortunately, she lacks omniscience, and is unaware of her omnipotence which must be kept from her at all costs lest, becoming aware of her omnipotence, she easily becomes bored and destroys reality completely as a result of said boredom.

Though he hardly believes such wild tales from the various classmates, quickly events conspire to prove otherwise as Koizumi reveals his powers to Kyon and Kyon is nearly killed by a rogue alien, only to find himself saved by Nagato.

However, due to his closeness with Asahina, Haruhi quickly becomes dissatisfied with reality and almost destroys the previous world. She is only stopped when, in a dream-like in-between world, Kyon convinces her of the worth of the world with the rest of the SOS Brigade members in it. Though Haruhi thinks of it all as a dream, Kyon knows better, and from then on is forced to tread more carefully, balancing Haruhi’s displeasure with his desire to teach her that things don’t always go her way.

From then on, Kyon, Haruhi, and the SOS Brigade are pulled into improbable, sometimes impossible situations, often by Haruhi herself, though the others are careful to hide the truth of their adventures from their brigade leader.

Kyon is, in most, if not all respects, distinctly average. Academically, athletically, and even in terms of his personality, he is largely an unremarkable, normal teenage Japanese boy, and he is comfortable with this. While he once dreamed of meeting aliens, time travelers, and espers when he was younger, as many children do, by the time he reached high school, he had made the conscious decision to accept that they were not part of reality. Reality, naturally, conspired against him. He is lazy, unambitious, skeptical, cynical, pragmatic, and often the only voice of reason in the face of Haruhi’s schemes and plots.

Despite all of this, or perhaps because of this, while Haruhi is indisputably the leader of the SOS Brigade, Kyon is its stable core, acting as a counterbalance to Haruhi and her shenanigans and also acts as the only person who can seem to successfully calm her tempestuous moods.

While Kyon often complains about the Brigade and the chaos and danger it brings to his life, he has repeatedly shown that he values both the individuals in the Brigade and the Brigade itself. It is often through Kyon that the needs of the other members of the SOS Brigade are met. He negotiates some time in the Computer Club for Nagato and minimizes Asahina’s exploitation at Haruhi’s hands. Likewise, he acts as confidant for each of them, none of them able or willing to reveal their secrets to Haruhi, nor able to trust the agents of other organizations enough to confide in one another. Additionally, when, for a period, it seemed as if Kyon’s life had returned to normal and the supernatural elements were removed from it, he investigated, and eventually was able to restore affairs to their chaotic usual.

However, it should be noted that perhaps Haruhi has rubbed off on Kyon a little, and that at moments he has demonstrated a reckless abandon not unlike her own, including pulling Haruhi by the arm and running towards the giants that were destroying the schoolgrounds in the dream-like in-between world, as well as facing down the Data Integrated Thought Entity in order to preserve the existence of Nagato Yuki, though this fortitude has only displayed itself in times of extreme need.

CLASS: Civilian. Hero if he REALLY HAS TO. But only then.
ALTER EGO: Kyon/Student and part-time worker SOMEWHERE
Gender-bending (Non-canon): So. Haruhi fandom likes its genderbending. As such, Kyon’s power will be exactly that. Genderbending, that is, changing the gender of both himself and those around him.

Except he can’t control it. At all. Ever.

It’s not conscious, so at first, he probably won’t even know he’s the cause of it, and someone may even deduce it before he does. He doesn’t even have to be awake for it to happen. Exactly what the trigger may be for his powers activating may vary. Maybe it’s hot water. Maybe it’s cold water. Maybe somebody sneezes. Maybe someone wonders what it would be like to be the other gender. Maybe he finds them attractive, or would find them attractive if they were the other gender. Maybe he’s under extreme stress. Maybe his power hasn’t gone off in a while and the pent up power finally lashes out at someone random in the area. Or maybe just because the fates are cruel.

Basically, whoever wants it to happen to their character, whenever they want it to happen, it will, within the following limits.

First, it only works on people within 100 ft. of him. Second, 5 ft. of any solid material-lead, steel, even glass or see-through plastic-blocks the effect.

The change is not immediate, happening over the course of about 10 seconds, during which the target’s senses blur and perception adjusts as the genderbending takes place, but once it has been initiated, the process cannot be stopped. The change lasts for 3 days(72 hours exactly), before the blurring happens again, and the subject is returned to their normal gender. This power does not alter clothes, only the target’s biological body.

The subject can be changed back before the time is up, however, this will require Kyon’s presence and the above requirements again, and there is no guarantee his power will return them to their normal state, and they may have to wait out the duration.

His power has a special effect on shapeshifters, locking them into a particular gender for the duration, but not inhibiting their powers in any other way. Generally, this gender will be the opposite of their natural form’s gender. So Hulking could transform into any form or person he normally could, including his normal appearance, but they would all have to be female for the 3 days.

Finally, though it will (probably) be rare, Kyon’s power can also make a character neuter or hermaphroditic. All the normal rules apply to these transformations as well.

[voice post; translated from Japanese]

[a long-suffering sigh; small print muttered softly and a bit difficult to hear]

I hope one of them is behind this, because if not, this is really not good.

Hello. My name is Kyon. I’m fairly certain there’s been a mistake. You see, I’m nothing like a hero. Not to say that I’m a villain, just. I’m not a hero. I’m just a normal human. No powers at all. Really, you have the wrong person. Is there anyone I can talk to who might be able to fix this?

Why couldn’t it have pulled Koizumi here instead of me-

Ah! Erm, I don’t suppose anyone here knows anyone named Nagato Yuki, Asahina Mikuru, Koizumi Itsuki, or Suzumiya Haruhi?

While I wouldn’t mind being stuck here for a while with Asahina-san, or even Nagato, if I’m stuck with Koizumi or Haruhi alone, this will officially be the worst day of my life…

Thank you for any assistance, and I hope we can get along.

It was, to Kyon, rather telling that the first thing that ran through his head as the grinning computer image before him spat out some shpiel about being a “hero” that what was running through his head was not “what’s going on?” or “how did this happen to me?”, but “not again.” Not, of course, that he had been in this exact situation before, but after so many adventures with because of Haruhi and the SOS Brigade, he was less concerned with the details, with the “how-when-where-why” than the mounting headache he was beginning to suffer and how he’d get out of this and back to what passed for “normal”. Somehow, after surviving a murderous alien schoolgirl, a grasshopper huge enough to swallow him in one bite, blue giants the size of skyscrapers, the Data Integrated Thought Entity, and an apocalypse, a computer spouting nonsense about heroes and villains didn’t seem so much shocking or daunting as annoying. The way it threw about its demands vaguely reminded him of Haruhi, in the way that made his headache worse, rather than making him smile.

Kyon didn’t bother to argue with the machine, though; it wasn’t Haruhi, and he doubted it would do any good. No point in wasting energy fighting a battle he’d lose anyway. Instead he snatched up his dogtag and communicator. The others had probably been brought along in some way, shape, or form-they always had been before, why wouldn’t they now?-so the trick now was finding them. It shouldn’t take long. He’d wait around a bit, and if that didn’t work, he’d probably try to check this whole MAC building for them, and, failing that, the communicators, and they’d figure something out while Haruhi enthused over the superheroes and their new surroundings maybe she’d even put Asahina-san in a superheroine outfit, and then once Nagato and Koizumi had everything worked out, they’d all go home. Easy. He just hoped this headache wouldn’t last long.
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