Permissions Post

Jul 13, 2009 08:55

Gender-bending (Non-canon): So. Haruhi fandom likes its genderbending. As such, Kyon’s power will be exactly that. Genderbending, that is, changing the gender of both himself and those around him.

Except he can’t control it. At all. Ever.

It’s not conscious, so at first, he probably won’t even know he’s the cause of it, and someone may even deduce it before he does. He doesn’t even have to be awake for it to happen. Exactly what the trigger may be for his powers activating may vary. Maybe it’s hot water. Maybe it’s cold water. Maybe somebody sneezes. Maybe someone wonders what it would be like to be the other gender. Maybe he finds them attractive, or would find them attractive if they were the other gender. Maybe he’s under extreme stress. Maybe his power hasn’t gone off in a while and the pent up power finally lashes out at someone random in the area. Or maybe just because the fates are cruel.

Basically, whoever wants it to happen to their character, whenever they want it to happen, it will, within the following limits.

First, it only works on people within 100 ft. of him. Second, 5 ft. of any solid material-lead, steel, even glass or see-through plastic-blocks the effect.

The change is not immediate, happening over the course of about 10 seconds, during which the target’s senses blur and perception adjusts as the genderbending takes place, but once it has been initiated, the process cannot be stopped. The change lasts for 3 days(72 hours exactly), before the blurring happens again, and the subject is returned to their normal gender. This power does not alter clothes, only the target’s biological body.

The subject can be changed back before the time is up, however, this will require Kyon’s presence and the above requirements again, and there is no guarantee his power will return them to their normal state, and they may have to wait out the duration.

His power has a special effect on shapeshifters, locking them into a particular gender for the duration, but not inhibiting their powers in any other way. Generally, this gender will be the opposite of their natural form’s gender. So Hulking could transform into any form or person he normally could, including his normal appearance, but they would all have to be female for the 3 days.

Finally, though it will (probably) be rare, Kyon’s power can also make a character neuter or hermaphroditic. All the normal rules apply to these transformations as well.


So, basically, that's his powers in a nutshell. Just let me know here whether or not you're okay with your character getting bent, and if so, if there are any particular restrictions on when or to what particular gender/genders/lack of gender. Thanks! ^_^
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