A New Year....

Jan 01, 2006 18:11

Yesterday all together was nice. I first got up and went over to the Christian Book Store to blow my $40 gift certificate I got for christmas. Got 3 books : Dateable, I Can Only Imagine, and the Proverbs, Psalms, and books of Wisdom magazine. I was into looking at the single of Phil Joel when there was a crazy accident right out side the store! No one looked hurt when I left, just sounded nasty. Then Betsy called pretty soon when I got back and said that a bunch of them were on their way to Aiken, and if i left like right then I could make it to watch Spanglish. So I threw my stuff in a bag, threw my grandma in the car and off we went. Yea.. Alicia drove interstate for the first time without her dad in the car. She also hit 85 .. BABY! and hypocritically I went about 60ish all the way down there. Made it to williston in about 50 min. Record time! (And so far my dad hasn't asked, so I just ain't gonna mention) Then I threw my grandma out the car ( ok helped her in the house) and off to aiken it was for me..... only to get lost! Goodness, I"ve grown up in Williston more than half my life, and i can't get to aiken? Sin, sin, sin! Yea i went straight instead of turning at the red light by the railroad tracks. I could have bet my life andrew told me to keep going straight though. But no fingers pointed. So after all that turning around, needless to say, I was late about 15ish minutes. But everyone said I didn't miss much. The movie, by the way, was pretty good. Adam Sandler, and a maid which all the guys say was hott. So you should check it out.....

That night for new years, betsy picked me up and we went back to her house to play Mario.. yes that's on the old nintendo! The theme song rocks by they way. I watched as betsy and brett kept losing for really funny reasons.. like going all the way to the end then falling of the ledge right b4 you got to the flag. Humorous. Betsy and Brett make you so jealous for not having a sibling. They have so much fun together, which is totally awesome. Well after that, we went up to the church sadly to find that their was a total of about 10 ppl there. So we just ate, talked, and prayed/devotional - then us three left to go back to their house to watch the ball drop. (Betsy's first time might I add) Yes.. that's when it got awkward. The ball drop is sorta a family thing I guess, but it was so weird with all them there as a family, then me. And when new year came around.. I seemed just a little out of place. But i guess it was better than being with my family seeing as they were at a party. Maybe I should have went to my grandma's or something and just watched it there, since I'm not sure if she will even be with me next year. Oh well.. I am still grateful for them letting me stay with them and watch it there, family member or not. Then the party started baby!!! Jk.. we just left to go uptown and see Kenny at the firework stand. Talked to him for a while and gave him grief about dating.. then we headed up to Nan's to eat some realllllyyy good pancakes/breakfast food. It was nice just sitting around with some of my closest friends and just talk. Talk till 2 in the morning.
These are time I pray i'll always remember..

Happy 2005
I pray that this year will be full of wonderful memories, times of growth, no regrets, love, joy, and the presence of our Lord!
-- may nothing go unnoticed--
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