Woke up to fleas in the kitchen (that really isn't a kitchen), mold on my sunflower sprouts, acne on my face and back, and all sorts of worry about Jessica, worry about the grandgoobers. And major, major PMS.
I acquired a stash of garlic scapes. After seeing rumorofrain's garlic scape pesto recipe and a similar recipe from the Washington Post, I decided that would be the way I would use my garlic scapes. Have you ever worked with garlic scapes? Have you ever tried to, say, slice them into quarter-inch increments? These things are more unruly than a teenaged
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I was far too eagerly anticipating making a killing off of the Survival Center's leftovers. I did come away with a few new potatoes, a jicama (I think ... does jicama grow in New England?!), a few wilted kale leaves and a tremendous number of green onions. Sadly, the rest seemed truly unsalvageable. I considered hijacking even the unsalvageables
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If LJ, for some reason, decided everyone could only have ten friends on their friends list, I wonder who would be on everyone's friends list. More importantly, would it include me? I think I would be as LJ friendless as I am friendless in real life. I amuse myself a great deal, but I just cannot imagine that I amuse anyone else
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