My fingers are red

Jul 15, 2008 12:35

(In my head, that goes to the tune of the Robots song by Flight of the Conchords... "The humans are dead.... the humans are de-ad...")

So.... as of last night, I am learning to play guitar. Real guitar, as Kim omdog put it. I did inform her that I think Guitar Hero has helped somewhat in the early stages, in the general muscle movement of frets and strumming, and also because I actually knew they were called frets, and that when my brother tried to explain a hammer to me, I knew what it was already. Heh.

The fingertips of my left hand are bright red and sore today, but I think of them as trophies rather than injuries. I have to keep playing every day to build up calluses or it will just hurt more when I go back and try again.

What were we playing? Well, I can now do E minor, E, D, A (when I remember what fret it's on) and occasionally G with some reminders. I even invented a new chord called E suck - which is what happens when you screw up your E chord.

Then he started me on a song; given my brother's complete and utter obsession with Pearl Jam, it should not surprise anyone that it was Elderly Woman Behind a Counter in a Small Town (you know, "hearts and thoughts they faaaaaade.... faaaaaaaaaaade awayyy...."). It's ok though, I knew the song and I like that one so it worked out well. And I could do it! Not supremely well, but I managed it! We didn't do the whole song, but we did the whole beginning part that plays during the choruses as well, that just repeats over and over. Then we tried to do a little of Not For You, but I was getting pretty sore by that point so it didn't go so well. Owie.

Tonight he is going to try and find me a fairly easy Muse song. :D I am very disappointed that we can't find tabs for Empty Room by Marjorie Fair.

guitar, music

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