A quick Emma review.

Jul 09, 2008 22:12

Ok, after having the last 4 books of (Victorian Romance) Emma for oh, months now, I finally read them.

I have to say... while there were some completely awesome moments in there, the end was rather..... anticlimactic. I mean, it's a fairly quiet story overall, so I wasn't expecting fireworks, but D had referred to it as "the most romantic ending of any manga she'd ever read" (unless I am hallucinating that like I hallucinated her reading The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing) and I just wasn't seeing it, exactly. I knew there were some "Further Tales" to add in, but I read all the ones on the CD D had burned me and I still wasn't getting it. I did enjoy the short stories (especially getting to see Kelly and Doug!! And the related costumes from around the 1830s) but it still left SO many loose ends... like... WHAT is going on with Grace!?

Then I went and looked it up on wikipedia, and it turns out there are THREE volumes of short stories (8-10), not just one. So, I will patiently wait for those - the first is being released here in April of 2009, apparently - and hopefully my questions will be answered.

The other thing that really surprised me was how fanservicey it got! Thankfully, none of it involved Emma herself, because that would have been extremely out of character - but, sheesh.

Still, I'll probably check out Shirley while I'm waiting for more Emma.

books, book reviews, otaku

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