Progress, and a party

Jul 06, 2008 09:21

Bryon and I were talking on IM this morning...

Julie: i have 8 books i'm getting rid of, ready to go, that now i've read and can ditch with no guilt :D
Bryon: cool
Bryon: now 517764409878 left?
Bryon: hehe
Julie: rofl... yeah, about that
Bryon: k
Julie: but at least i'm making progress :)

The 4th of July party was a success. Danielle, Jesse, Sara (and her dog Molly), Stine, Ray, Marisa, her boyfriend Dave, Erik and Tina were all here; my parents and Bryon's parents also came for the dinner part. It was a lot of fun! I successfully operated the grill completely by myself, thanks to huge amounts of help earlier in the day from my dad, who discovered and removed three wasps nests in it, cleaned the grill plate, and showed me how to light it; I was running around like a nut cleaning the heck out of the apartment. I cooked barbecue chicken, and we had potato salad, baked beans, Waldorf salad, and several desserts and snacks. We listened to lots of music, got on a little YouTube jaunt, chatted a lot, drank margaritas, and ended up watching a few eps of The Twilight Zone til about 2:30 am.

Hey, it's almost mid-July! Bryon should be home in a couple of weeks, and I can read The Host now! Heh.

Today I am going to Kim's to help with the cleaning/packing/moving. Luckily, she doesn't have to be out today because I can't really lift anything heavy... I've managed to pinch a nerve in my back or something by sleeping on it funny, and yesterday it was sending shooting pains into my legs for part of the day. Sooo, I shall be trying to avoid that happening again...

What else... Well, the wedding plans are coming along ok. Changes are happening, some of them by choice and some not. D has found that she won't be able to get the time off to be here (why can't Japan have its holidays in June instead of May??). :( The bridesmaid part I can handle because it's a big commitment and sometimes it's just not possible depending on schedules and locations... but I'm very sad that she can't come at all. :( We will figure out something fun to do!

I think I've found a location, finally - one that fits well (VERY well) into my budget - but the woman who does the bookings for it is in the hospital. I hope for the sake of this woman and her family that she gets better soon; in the meantime I'm going to let it ride until Bryon gets here for leave so that maybe he can go see it before we actually book anything.

I also found my wedding shoes - first pair I tried on, and at Payless. Take that, David's Bridal, home of $60+ wedding shoes!

Yesterday I even picked out my invitations at Michaels. They are the create-your-own variety, with a nice edging on them. I have big plans for them, although right now they look like crap! Heh. Still, because my mom and I went armed with two 50% off coupons, we got all the invites (with response cards and envelopes) for $30! Wahahah. This is a good compromise, too, because I really wanted to design my own, but it was going to be rather expensive.

Well, things to do, places to go, people to see! Kim's mom is picking me up soon, so I better go get ready.

(There has been one more development in the change department, but I will post about it later - it kind of deserves its own post.)

wedding, books, parties, 4th of july

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