Masaki and the Pudding Factory - Chapter3

Apr 10, 2011 09:17

Title: Masaki and the Pudding Factory
Rating: Pg (for now?)
Pairing: Sakuraiba, hints of Ohmiya
Genre: Crack, romance, parody(?)
Summary: Doesn't the title sound familiar? *coughCHARLIE&TheChocolateFactorycough* What wonders await you in S.S. factory? Explore Fields of... *stops copying what says in the back of the DVD* Aiba Masaki's greatest dream since he was small was to visit that large factory. He finally gets the chance to do so when the owner of the S.S. Pudding Factory magically places artificial gold chickens inside ONLY THREE puddings on the whole world! What's the reason for this sudden invitation? Who gets the golden chickens? Will there be Oompa-Loompas? Will there be whipping cream? What about the fat kid? Will the tour be safe? And most important question, will this even make sense?
Disclaimer: THEYRE NOT MINE! D:
Notes: Sorry for the __ week delay D:

(bigger size)

Three days left for the whole world before the actual visit to the famous world wide known pudding factory. This just added more pressure to Masaki, who would still wouldn't give up on that golden chicken. Another new day, yet he still had the same goal as he did for the last two weeks. He entered lazily to the cafe where he worked and something seemed suspicious. His boss was whispering something to a young lady in her ear. Masaki, being a gentleman as he was, if even his boss were to be harassing her, he would go against him and defend her. He started walking towards them, and stopped when his boss stepped away from the lady's ear and then the lady smiled and said, "I understand."

'I understand?' Masaki wondered what they meant. Indeed they seemed suspicious. As no one had taken noticed of Masaki, he stepped out and walked through the back door. Once he was inside, he looked through a small window at the cafe, observing those suspicious movements from his boss. He went from one table to another and every time he finished whispering, they would smile and nod. Masaki didn't know what to think of this, more like, he was completely lost, wondering if something was happening behind his back.

Once his boss entered the kitchen and -from where Masaki was watching- he immediately noticed Masaki and jumped a little, obviously being a bit self-conscious. "What were you whispering to the girls?" Masaki dared to ask.

His boss composed himself and answered strictly, "It has nothing to do with you." This sentence made Masaki even more confuse, his useful cheerful and amiable boss was being cold to him. TO HIM? Great, his mood just went down the hill and exactly the day when he had to work all morning, afternoon, and night.

Being good at it, he put on his usual cheerful smile and walked the the cafe, taking orders from customers. Maybe it was just his imagination, but those girls whom his boss had just finished talking to, seemed to be eying him more than usual. There was one girl who seemed to stare at him a lot, watching his every move, and once it was that table's turn to take the order, noticing she was staring harder than usual, he asked, "Is there something wrong?" At hearing the question, the girl seemed to be distraught from her thoughts and was back to reality. She smiled, widely, and said, "Good luck!" in a cheerful tone.

'Good luck? Okay, so now everyone is being weird...' Even though he had no idea what the girl meant, he still said thank you and flashed a bright smile which made her loose her balance.  Well, now he was glad he still received that usual reaction.

During his break, he carefully thought about what was happening without him knowing and after a serious time of thinking and concentration, all those girls whom his boss talked to, were regulars at the cafe, in other words, fans of Aiba Masaki. He found out that, but that still got him nowhere, only that what they were talking about had something to do with him, the problem was about what exactly they were talking about.

Many of the girls that were 'visiting' Masaki in the morning were now gone, which was normal, after all, they too have a life. By the time his break was over and he was back to work, many of those girls and many other who came regularly had disappeared, which was extremely rare, specially on a Saturday.

The business had become slow, very slow all of a sudden, and after three and a half hours, there came a group of 3 girls together, and went straight to Masaki, who was sitting lazily in one of the cafe's table. They were very noticeably excited, or even more than that if there was a word to describe how excited, nervous, happy and enthusiastic they seemed. The one in the middle had her hands behind her back with a huge shy grin on her face and so did the other two girls who were by her side, who seemed to be encouraging the girl in the middle to speak to the oh-so-popular Aiba Masaki.

Masaki decided to look away and wait until they decided to actually talk to him. It seemed like forever, making him think just what was taking them so long! He turned their way, and to his surprise, they were already infront of him. He smiled gently and asked, "What is it?" There could be seen a faint pink blush on the three girls infront of him, and then the girl in the middle, stretched her hands towards Masaki and said as fast as she could, "We found this for you!"

In her hands, there was what Masaki had been looking for the past two weeks, the only golden chicken left on the world. He stared at the chicken, not sure if he could take it. Taking notice of Masaki's hesitation, the girl to her left spoke, "You can take it, we found it for you, as a token of our gratitude for always being cheerful and cheering us up whenever we come to the cafe."

"Are you sure?" he still looked hesitant, and found it hard to believe that someone would actually be willing to give it away. "But why?" he asked again. As if taking turns, the other girl who hadn't spoken at all started, "Your boss, he's really nice and asked us if we could help you," and when she finished, she took the golden chicken and forcibly placed it in Masaki's sweating hands.

Masaki was left there confused, for as soon as she shoved the chicken into his hands, the three girls walked away, all of them smiling and pleased with what they had just done. On the other side, this was too sudden for Masaki and when he came back to reality, he screamed "THANK YOU!" to the girls who were now walking away by the street. Many eyes turned to look at him, including those of the three girls who smiled at him, seeing him very excitedly waving and smile, not being able to control his happiness.

From behind, came his boss, who lightly placed his hand on the other's shoulder and added, "Ain't they nice?"

Masaki eyed him suspiciously, and replied with another question, "You told them?" The older man just nodded with a grin on his face. Being controlled by his emotions at that moment, he gave him a hug and said 'thank you' countless of times.

"Okay, Okay, I get it," the older man broke the hug and ruffled his hair mercilessly. While Masaki had teary eyes already, his boss told him, "You can leave now, I've got a substitute for you. I knew this would happen."

He said a final thank you and dashed to his apartment, though he had no idea why he was dashing to his apartment where there was no one who would be waiting for him.

Once at home, he stared hard at the golden chicken in his hands, still not believing his very own eyes. How could he get such a piece for free?

He started to eat dinner with the television on and, of course, with his golden chicken, making sure it wouldn't leave his sight. While going through the channels, on the news, he saw the S.S. Pudding logo. "And now, this is a live voice message by Mr. S.S.-" Masaki jumped from his seat and raised the volume. The computerized voice started, "Now that finally the three golden chickens have been found, having found the official invitation to my S.S. Pudding factory, Tuesday, 6am, in front of the factory's gates, I'll be waiting for you anxiously.The end..."

Eh? 6am!!?? Is he crazy!? But nevertheless, he was more than eager to wake up at that hour to go visit that amazing factory.

And I decided that after I am done with this fic (which will be in a long time :S) I will do a sequel of Ohmiya(: well, it depends on how this one turns out though xD
and yay~!! next chapter Sho appearsssss~!!♥
oh! & expect a new written song by meee^^V


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