The story of the phonestrap/keychain

Apr 02, 2011 18:11

Bored Yoselin(me) was bored, refreshing my friends list every five minutes, nothing new or out of the ordinary. Then, I find this post and my instincts told me that I HAD TO participate :P and so I did and won an amazingly (homemade?) phonestrap/keychain.

I took time for it to arrive, but the wait was worth it, after all, it was free xD and it wasn't like I have a cellphone or anything :S

So here goes the story of my Arashi phonestrap♥

First, I was at lost when I received this
) beauty, because, like I said before, I don't own a cellphone :S

So I stared at it, drooling over it, flailed over it, and caress it endlessly u.u
(btw, I really like the envelope, idk why though :S)

At first, I place it in a nail clipper, but then thought, it would be dumb and useless to put it thereee xDD

So I pretend that never happened, so now I use it as a decotration for my voodoo unfinished doll

Yeaaaahh, I dont think soo. So how about as a bookmark :DDDDDD?

No thank you :S I rarely read books :S so this was out of my mind as fast as I got the idea xD
so I turn left and then I find my small book(manga?) shelf, so how about for decoration??

(yay for my giraffes book^^)

it's too small!! it wants attention!!! and I continue my search for the perfect place for my Arashi phonestrap.
all of a sudden, something hits me from behind, which was Ussop(plz refer to OnePiece), which i use to turn off and on the lights. Take a look ;D

So I try it with my new phonestrap^^

(mario galaxy poster for Nino's CM xDDD)

This one seemed nice, but not quite, since it still wanted more attention, I knew that since I.... I just knew itttt ;DD
I looked around and I find my backpack, that way more people can see it :O

Then I scream nooooooo in desperation, since it just didn't go well there :S (for some reason, I loved how this two pictures turned out♥)
Now I open my backback, and find a little bag where I put my pencils^^

I stare and stare, and just no. This is so hard D:
Then how about as decoration for a notebook?

i liked it, but then I realized... THAT NOTEBOOK DOESN'T HAVE ANYMORE PAPER!!! *fail*
so I failed again....
But then I thought, why bother, if I can just put in my memory box :DDD

But for some reason I didn't want it there, I wanted to show it off!!!!
then another idea, how about in a fancy looking box?

Yes, it does look epically awesome, but I'm back to square one xDD
and since that box was from a necklace, yessss!! necklace!!!

Then I felt it was too big for a necklaceeee :S *double failure*
so I'm on the verge on giving up in this exhausting and difficult challenge, until I realized that what I needed had been besides me ALL along.
Yesssss. my beloved one and only iPod♥

and that was how Yoselin, her ipod and her arashi phonestrap found their home, saved the world and lived happily ever after :DDDD

Moral of the story: You find things when you least expect them u.u

and also, I exaggerated a bit in some parts xD like the nail clipper hahahaha xD
&thank you a lot dekya I really loved it♥
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