Masaki and the Pudding Factory - Chapter4

May 01, 2011 18:47

Pairing: Sakuraiba, hints of Ohmiya
Genre: Crack, romance, parody(?)
Doesn't the title sound familiar? *coughCHARLIE&TheChocolateFactorycough* What wonders await you in S.S. factory? Explore Fields of... *stops copying what says in the back of the DVD* Aiba Masaki's greatest dream since he was small was to visit that large factory. He finally gets the chance to do so when the owner of the S.S. Pudding Factory magically places artificial gold chickens inside ONLY THREE puddings on the whole world! What's the reason for this sudden invitation? Who gets the golden chickens? Will there be Oompa-Loompas? Will there be whipping cream? What about the fat kid? Will the tour be safe? And most important question, will this even make sense?
Disclaimer: THEYRE NOT MINE! D:

(bigger size)

That same night, Masaki was only able to sleep 3 hours. Even though he would normally complain about being sleepy, today was sure to be an exception. By 5 am already, he was awake. Deciding he had enough time, he stayed in bed, thinking about what impossible things would he get to see once inside the factory. Time went on fast and it was already thirty minutes before the arranged time. He quickly got his belongings, for he had prepared everything the night before, and stormed out of the building.

He started walking nervously towards the factory and by each step he took, the more people could be seen outside the gates. Up front, there were many police officers, guarding that other people who didn't have the golden chicken could enter. Leaning against them, the guards, there were many journalists who kept pushing their way, wanting to get a word from those two boys in front of the gates, who were being kept safely by the guards. Those two boys were looking directly inside the gates, wondering if that man, Mr. S.S. would come out and greet them, and of course, also wondering who was the third person who found the last golden chicken.

Masaki pushed his way through the crowd and finally met a guard. Of course, he was stopped. "I have the last golden chicken," he explained to the guard who hadn't even asked him anything. Miraculously, despite the voices of the audience behind them, the two boys, Ninomiya and Matsumoto, had heard and turned to see who had said such things.

"I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to go beyond this point," the guard rejected him instantly. As Masaki was thinking of what he had to say to convince the older man, the man he recognized as Matsumoto Jun stepped in and told him, "Show it to me."

Even though he hated that attitude of bossing him around, but he still looked into his pocket and fetched the golden chicken. He stretched his hand and showed it to Jun, but still not letting the other grab a hold of it, afraid of what the other would do if he grabbed hold of his chicken. Jun took his chicken out too, which was exactly the same and compared them. Seeing this, the guard opened way for Masaki, letting him stand besides the other two lucky finders of the golden chicken.

Masaki was in awe when he stood there with the others. Even though he had always seen the same view, today, it was different. His heart was beating faster and faster by the second, that is, if that was even possible. He glanced to his watch, and it was five minutes before the gates would open. Masaki used this opportunity to introduce himself to the others, since no one knew him, for he didn't tell the press about him finding the last golden chicken, not wanting to attract too much attention.

As soon as he finished introducing himself, the other two didn't show a response and clearly ignored him. Masaki was now in a weird position when just then, a man, about Nino's height appeared and opened the gates. At the sight of this person, the journalists started taking countless of pictures. "You can come in..." he finally spoke.

The three boys did as they were told, and started walking, once he had closed the gates, he said, "Go all the way straight," and with that, he disappeared as he entered a weird looking door besides the gates.

They were being cautious with their every movement, since there was no knowing what may happen next, after all, a guy had just come and told them what to do without even introducing himself, despite the fact that he looked strangely sleepy.

They continued walking straight, in silence, but something seemed weird. Where they were told to walk straight wasn't leading to a door, quite the contrary, it seemed like a wall. Not knowing what to do, they started looking around, wishing that the man who had just left returned and told them what was just happening. Them three were looking behind when they suddenly heard a noise of machinery. It was the 'wall' being opened, then did they realized that it wasn't a wall, but one way to get inside the factory.

Once it opened completely, it was like a stage, as if it had been barely made for this occasion. What Masaki thought were teddy bears, suddenly moved when a song was heard in the background. Being completely wrong, Masaki had mistaken robots, very well made, in form of some chipmunks, for teddy bears. Once he noticed his mistake, he mentally slapped himself.

To get started, the song was different, a kind of song you'd listen at a parade, or maybe not even there. The chipmunks started moving and dancing cutely, and their robotic mouths moved along with the lyrics, trying to lip-sync. Both Nino and Jun stared at the performance with disgust and disbelieve, thinking that this man, Mr. S.S., must be out of his mind.

As much as he didn't want to, Masaki couldn't help but start giggling at the lyrics, they were plain unique and hilarious, that is, to him. The song went:
    "Sakurai, Sakurai,
    The amazing muscleboy,
    Sakurai, Sakurai,
    Everybody must be glad!

He's handsome, weak, and so smart,
    He can barely restrain it.
    With so much aptitude,
    That not even he himself can believe it...
    believe it... believe it... believe it... believe it.

Sakurai, Sakurai,
    He's the one that you already adore
    Sakurai, Sakurai,
    He's a mystery to many
    The creative and perfect man
    The best man you have ever met
    Sakurai Sho here he is!"

By the end of the song, the three men already knew what S.S. stood for; Sakurai Sho. Honestly, with no exception, they all thought that his real name would have been different, something not so normal like a Sakurai. Even though, they carefully stared and listened to the performance, for they sung it twice and the most Masaki listened to the song, the more ridiculous the lyrics seemed, like those of what a conceited person would write. The song itself explained the man that they were about to meet in less than 5 minutes.

Once he, Masaki, heard footsteps and flashes of the camera, he turned around, controlled his laughter and right before his eyes stood a man weirdly dressed. "Mr. S.S., Sakurai Sho-san?" Masaki asked in disbelieve.

"The best man you have ever met," he replied with a salute, quite the same as the one that Nino made when he appeared in the television.

Masaki half smiled, thinking about how this man seemed so interesting and so abnormal. Nino then interrupted his thoughts, asking, "Shouldn't you be waiting for us inside? From where did you come from?"

"From your imagination, little one," and he then patted Nino's head and continued walking towards a different wall that too opened like a door. That single line had annoyed Nino already, for he had said it with such superiority, he was just a couple of years older and inches taller too. Of course, the always happy Masaki, not being able to control his laughter, snorted upon hearing that kind of response which earned him a glare from Nino, and then them three followed Sakurai Sho into the factory with great anticipation despite that two out of them pretended they didn't care while in reality they both were filled with curiosity.

Once taking a step beyond the door, a few meters up front there was another door, far more elegant and taller. They were talking in silence towards the other door when Jun broke the awkward silence and spoke, "My name is Matsumoto Jun," and he added a small bow once he was finished. 'Stupid, you forgot to introduce yourself!' Masaki cursed himself.

Contrary to Jun's expectations, Sakurai Sho continued walking as if he never heard anything. Jun started again, wanting attention, "um... Mr. S.S., my-" he was then interrupted by Sakurai Sho, "By the way, just call me Sho, little ones."

Again, he used this superior attitude, for he knew everyone there was younger than him. Since Sho was walking infront of them, it was unknown to the three men behind him of the smug planted on his face, which disappeared once Masaki asked, "Sho-san, were you ever called 'Little one' during your childhood?"

That question took Sho by surprise, he stopped walking and turned to Masaki with a unreadable face, yet he still answered, "Oh boy, did I..."

for this chapter, I had to threaten myself, that until I posted a new chapter I wouldn't go to sleep u_u
I had been thinking of actually quitting this fanfic since I had become too lazy :S but then I didn't want to leave it half-finished, well not really half-finished since I'm not even half way there :S
there was also problems with my health, fever-_- (first time I got one in YEARS) and to make it worse, it was during exams D: and also the little song(the willy wonka one)  that I had to make decreased my motivation to continue the rest of the chapter :S and I also got a new idea for a new fanfic, but since I'm much too lazy, I wouldn't be able to write both :S so I decided to first finish this one :D and in between the week when I have time I'll write the new one (though i won't post it) and when I have enough for 3-5 chapters I'll start posting it ;DD
enough of my rambling that no one cares ;DD
this friday, I'll convert a friend to an Arashian :DDDDDDD
comments, critics, spam, everything, is welcomed♥_♥
(I'll also change my LJ layout :D)
&sorry for not replying to the comments m(_._)m

RL story: Cousin comes to my room, me watching kpop & jpop PVS and he starts using the other computer. I continue watching them happily, I put Arashi/KT/NEWS/SuJu/BigBang/SS501/etc, he says, "ugh, they're gay D:" Me thinks: "Since he's a boy, I'll shall put girl groups :D" I then put f(x)'s Chu, he turns, sees and says, "what is that D:?? they're lesbians?"

(sorry, I just wanted to share^^)

fanfiction, arashi

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