[fanfic] It was fate. (9/?)

Feb 06, 2011 18:30

Title : It was fate.
Rating : pg13
Genre: fluff♥ romance
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : One year and a half after Nino and Ohno broke up :9
NOTE: I made it like HanaDan, where all the schools are connected, like those same students go to the same middle school and then to the same high school and then to the same college.
Beta Reader : Myself D:

Spending everyday playing games and reading manga seemed nothing out of the ordinary after doing so continuously for one year and a half already.

Nino was now attending college, it was his sophomore year already yet he was still with the same classmates ever since he was in elementary, and if he was honest with himself, he was getting tired of seeing the same damn people everyday, well, of course there was an exception. His best friend, Aiba Masaki, who since childhood lived in the same neighborhood as him. He had something that people just could not not love him. He was plain lovable.

Nino had majority of his classes with Aiba, but he never developed any romantic feelings for him whatsoever. Not that he wanted to, just the thought of that made Nino shiver. Him falling in love with Aiba was like Nino leaving his gaming for his entire lifetime, and that was simply impossible.

Aiba was popular, and had many not so secret crushes here and there, but he was completely oblivious of them for he too had a not to secret crush on a senpai.

His best friend always talked about how he stalked his one year old senpai who had just transferred to this school named Sakurai Sho, the number one ranked student. Seeing how Aiba always giggled like a high school girl when talking about his crush, made Nino remember when he too was deeply in love with a boy called Ohno Satoshi, his first love ever and last one he had until now.

Both already college students were changing classes when a familiar face came across. At first Nino cursed that person he saw, but deep within himself, he wished he hadn't mistaken him. Yes. That familiar face and body he had saw was his first love and lover. Nino's mind drifted somewhere else, leaving Aiba, who was talking non-stop about his newest discovery of Sho's personality, now talking to no one in particular.

Thinking about it for 15 minutes, he came back to reality after making himself believe that it was all his imagination, nothing more, nothing less.

I mean, what the hell would he be doing here for God's sake!? Nino brought himself back to his senses, and started listening to Aiba who was still rambling about God knows what.


It was the following day already, and Nino just couldn't seem to get that doubting image out of his head. What if it really is him? What should I do? How am I suppose to see him? and many more girly questions came to his head non-stop all through out the day.

Just as he was coming out of his classroom, in front of him was another classroom with windows on it, and as Nino was the first one to come out of his own classroom, in front of him that very same man, Ohno Satoshi, was there, who turned to look at the person who had just came out of the room across him.

Ohno was sitting down, doing nothing, just looking around while his mother did the talking with some supervisor. Nino saw that image and he instantly knew that Ohno was registering back to this school. Nino cursed under his breath, even though Ohno had been such a jerk, he admitted that the moment he saw him, his heart started beating like crazy, just like the very first time he meet him in person.

Nino was the first to look away and then he continued walking to his next class, pretending he never saw anything, pretending Ohno was not there, pretending he was not nervous, pretending his heart didn't skip a beat, and most of all, pretending he wasn't glad to see Ohno's face after so long.

Having seen that same unchanging round face, that very same night, Nino unconsciously dreamed about his ex-boyfriend. It was a lively dream, Nino, of course, wouldn't call it a nightmare, for they were making out.

Nino woke up, surprised at what he had just dreamed, or more like, remembered. He thought back on his dream just now, it wasn't a dream. It was a recollection of the past. It was back when they meet and started making out in the restroom stall. The recollection of that time made Nino realize that maybe even now, he may still have just a tiny bit of feelings left for Ohno, but of course, as prideful as Nino was, he would no way admit it,at least not just yet.

For the dream was vivid and lively, another unconscious thing happened to Nino. As one would expect, he had become hard just from the memory, but if it was just the memory he wouldn't had become hard, but actually, when he woke up, he thought about what would had happened if they had not been interrupted by that old lady. Even though Nino cursed that old lady endlessly back then, now, he was thanking her for stopping them, for if she hadn't come, Nino would had completely given himself to Ohno without a single hint of hesitation whatsoever.

This wasn't the reality Nino wanted right now, he just wanted to keep himself out of everything, and leave all of this complicated feelings aside for he rather feel indifferent about his surroundings and everyone than be troubled by someone who mercilessly cut all ties with him, well... that one was Nino, but... by someone who mercilessly and all of a sudden decided to leave Nino, who was still deeply in love with him, without a good reason or explanation.


It was Thursday and Nino was glad, meaning it was almost the weekend, time to play games non-stop! Now he was suddenly woken up by his childhood friend who just burst in into his room and shamelessly lied on bed with him, knowing exactly that that would annoy Nino and would most definitely wake him up completely.

Yet, today was different, Nino didn't budge and left Aiba there still laying besides him. Of course Nino was glad it was Thursday, but... school. The thought of school discouraged him completely, for he knew that if he were to go, he was bound to bump into Ohno, again of course, his gut just felt it and then he would have more complicated feelings, making him more and more troubled.

Aiba, worrying about his friend, obliviously asked, "Are you okay??"

Nino knew that Aiba would worry non-stop if he weren't to react soon, so he made noises as he had just woken up and mercilessly shoved Aiba out of his bed, making him fall down hard to the floor.

"ouch!! What was that for!?" Aiba asked, knowing the answer.

"For jumping into my bed, my SACRED bed," Nino gave his usual answer to Aiba, sounding just like he did every once a month when Aiba suddenly decide to jump into his bed for the heck of it.

Being already accustomed to Nino's sharp tongue, Aiba whined, "Hurry up!! We'll be late if we don't go already~!"

"It's not like I make you come for me every morning," Nino said under his breath, but loud enough for Aiba to hear, who just casually ignored him and said, "Whatever, be ready in five minutes, okay?" and stormed out of Nino's bedroom.

As Aiba had commanded, Nino was ready in 5 minutes, ready to fight with his emotions at school again.

Normally, these days, it was Aiba who just kept talking and talking about his crush, Sho, on their way to school, but all that talk about love and what-not, made Aiba curious about Nino's love life. Just at the entrance of their school, after Aiba had finished telling Nino about Sho's favorite brand of clothes, he asked, "Do you like someone right now, Nino?" as he titled his head a little, a face fulled with curiosity was now turning in Nino's direction.

At hearing that question, Nino's steps slowed down until he fully stopped, wondering if he indeed liked someone right now, and the only face and name that came to mind was Ohno's. Nino shook his head, trying to erase that faint blush that quickly formed in his cheeks and not wanting to think about it anymore, it was surely a mistake of his sub-conscious, not, it must be.

"No," Nino replied, hoping Aiba wouldn't bring this subject back anymore.

"But you just blushed..." Aiba knew Nino too well already, there was no way he could had hidden that slightly obvious pink blush he now had on his cheeks. Noticing Nino blushed even more, Aiba just had to point it out again and said almost too excited, "See!!! You blushed again!! I know you have someone you like!" and changing tones quickly he added in a whisper, "Who is it???" as he leaned down to Nino's height, putting emphasis on his ear, telling him that he could tell him in a whisper.

Nino didn't know what to say, for as far as he was concerned, he was no way in love with someone right now, how could he when he barely came out of his room and furthermore, he barely even talked with anyone besides Aiba at school. Then, Ohno? Nino wondered too.

Just as he thought of him, Ohno was walking in front of him, talking with friends he had meet after years, and just for Nino's luck, while Ohno passed by him and Aiba, Aiba was talking way too loud and excitedly that Nino wouldn't doubt that Ohno just heard Aiba's questions.

With Ohno still being close enough to hear, but not looking at Nino, Nino just loudly and clearly answered Aiba's question of whether he liked someone or not with, "I do. I like someone right now. A lot," shyly looking down just like a girl would do.

"So you're in love with someone right now!!??" Aiba loudly exclaimed while about 20 heads turned around to look at them, while one of them was Ohno's.

This were the times when Nino thanked Aiba in his mind for being too loud, for Nino's plan had worked just fine without Aiba noticing it. Nino's plan was to make Ohno hear, believe and think that he had already moved on in case he ever came to bother him again, and with that in mind, Nino put on a triumphant smug in his face, while Aiba still tried to make Nino tell him who it was that had melted Nino's ice-cold heart.

This chapter is longer~~~!
and I'm taking ideas as for what to happen later :P
since, as many could see, I plan on writing something that has to do with Sakuraiba, so I was wondering if everyone was okay with that????

comments help me write more :D

aiba, ohno, nino, fanfiction

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