[fanfic] It was fate. (8/?)

Jan 30, 2011 15:59

Title : It was fate.
Rating : Even I myself don't know
Genre: fluff♥ &now angst?
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino became internet friends with Ohno through Ohno's brother, who was two years younger than him and used to go to the same school as Nino. Somehow, Nino and Ohno started getting closer and chatting more, leading to.....
NOTE: I have no idea who is Satou, just a made up character xD ¬e that right now all their conversations are through the internet
Beta Reader : Myself D:


"I'm sorry"

'I'm sorry,' he says, ha, don't mess with me, Nino's character turned outside down, getting angrier as to why Ohno was apologizing, and honestly, Ohno telling him he was sorry, hurt his pride.

"you never told me why," Nino still persisted on knowing the reason.

"I kissed someone else"

"you kissed someone else?"

"I was kissed


a kiss is still a kiss"

"but then it's okay, isn't  it?"

"I can't forgive myself

because you are much too good to deserve me"

'don't f*ck with me!' "who was it?"

"a teacher"

"a teacher!?" at the thought of a teacher, Nino immediately thought of a 30-some year old human, not sure if it was a boy or girl.

"yes, but also a friend, he's around my age, I've known him since 2yrs ago, he teaches foreign languages"

"huh..." was another weak reply from Nino, hoping Ohno would get the message that he didn't care about that other guy who had stolen his lover's lips.

"but you should've known that it's not like we were going to be together forever"

Again, that line echoed endlessly on Nino's mind, destroying all those sweet dreams he had thought of doing with Ohno in the future. That even if everyone else dissaproved of them for being gay would be okay since they had each other. That they would someday sleep in the same bed, every single daym hugging each other, feeling the other's warmth.

That line itself made Nino realize or at least think that Ohno had never much interested in him, that it was just a seasonal thing, never meant to last forever like he thought it would.

Feigning not feeling anything and being strong, Nino sent, "Of course I knew that xD" but from the other side of the monitor, he silently felt three tears filled with many emotions rolling down his cheeks.

Feeling terribly miserable at the moment, Nino immediately logged off, not feeling like waiting for Ohno's reply which would probably would've hurt him even worse.

That same night, having nothing to look forward the next day and the next day after that and after that one, he immediately went to sleep, again, to run away from reality for at least some hours.

The next day, he then knew everything was to be different starting today for he only played games for the rest of the two weeks before school started.

Nino's summer vacations ended in a blink of an eye for he spent all his days inside his room playing games, unconsciously forgetting when it was day or night and, of course, not chatting with Ohno ever since that day for he didn't know how to act if Ohno were to shamelessly start a conversation with him out of nowhere.

so what do you think??

(cap credit to ANJ)

somehow the end of this chapter seems like the end of the fanfic D:
which is not since i still have many things under my sleeve ;DD

after almost a week of not posting anything, i kept asking for ideas but no one knew D:
so as i wrote what i already had since last week, i just randomly came up with it, so... yeah D:

probably next chapter I'll make it one/two years later, i still havent decided xD *fail*
&forgot to mention that this chapter has some foreshadowing :O
comments give me reason to write more :)))

ohno, nino, fanfiction

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