[fanfic] It was fate. (7/?)

Jan 18, 2011 22:17

Title : It was fate.
Rating : Even I myself don't know
Genre: fluff♥ &now angst?
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino became internet friends with Ohno through Ohno's brother, who was two years younger than him and used to go to the same school as Nino. Somehow, Nino and Ohno started getting closer and chatting more, leading to.....
NOTE: I have no idea who is Satou, just a made up character xD ¬e that right now all their conversations are through the internet
Beta Reader : Myself D:


"I missed you," the older boy sent first.

Taken by surprise by the sudden message,putting his gaming aside, the other boy asked, "How have you been?"

"I've been great, the weather's so good over here."


Taking noticed of the weak reply, Ohno sent, "I wish you could've come too♥"

"Maybe some other time in the future," Nino enthusiastically typed out.

"I'll buy you a souvenir, okay?"

"but who knows until when we'll see each other..."

"don't worry, idk how, but it'll definitely get to your hands."

"What will you buy?"

"idk yet, it'll be something that reminds me of you"


"maybe pairing phone straps?"

"I don't own a cellphone-_-"

I'll buy you one :D"

"no! that wouldn't be a souvenir then," Nino secretly pouted from the other side of the screen.

"but..." was sent by Ohno, but was rapidly ignored by an impatient Nino, "I'll buy myself one later."


"perhaps by next year ;D"

"next year!? it's barely summer, buy it by this fall, yes?" Ohno plead.

"I'll try"

"you better, I'll buy you a phone strap and they'll be matching and period." and that was the end of their little discussion of the cellphone and souvenirs

Time went by faster than they though with their little dispute, so Ohno sent, without waiting for Nino to reply, "This place is closing already, sorry, I'll chat with you later, I love you!"

"...then, I'll still be waiting for you."


"yes, forever," Nino repeated.


Aside from chatting with Ohno on the fourth day, Nino hadn't chatted with his lover; he was getting desperate, and most of all, started getting worried with thousands of scenarios that came to mind, yes, and none of them were positive.

'Finally!' Nino thought as he saw Satou, again, log-in.

"where were you?
are you still over there?
why hadn't you logged-in earlier?" Nino attacked Satou with questions that were most probably directed to Ohno, yet Satou could answer them for Nino.

"calm down
what's with all these questions :S?"

"because you hadn't loggen-in in days already!"

"hmm.... me or Satoshi¬¬?"

"both! I was worried, you know"

but, didn't you chat with my brother yesterday?"


"yes, he used the computer for like an hour or so"


"did you guys argue or what?"

"argue? why would we D:"

"then idk, I'll try asking :S"

Before Sayou could send out some comforting messages to his friend, Nino, he quickly put himself as hidden, wanting to know if there was any reason at all for Ohno to start avoiding him.

'Maybe he had other business in the computer, like checking out places to visit or homework. Homework!? it's summer, there's no way he used it for homework, then he blocked me?' As Nino asked himself that question, his mood went downhill even more and said out loud to himself, "he blocked me?" and added a stiff laugh and continued, "there's no way Ohno would ever do that," he now comforted himself, trying to come up with an excuse for Ohno's behavior which was overall strange at the moment in Nino's mind.


The ninth day already, and Ohno seemed to be avoiding Nino, according to Satou, causing him to be awake all night long, waiting for Ohno just as he had promised before, not caring if it was bad for his health; he just wouldn't break Ohno's promise, not now nor later.

Nino suddenly feel asleep as he layed down with his laptop infront of him. Drifting in the fantasies and almost too real dreams, he found himself naked in a bed, a king-sized bed. Next to him layed Ohno, his lover, who was also naked and was peacefully sleeping while Nino just stared in awe at the other's beauty. While slowly carassing the sleeping boy's cheek, the other mumbled in his sleep, "You're the best sex friend I've ever had," and, still asleep, hugged Nino.

Even though it was a dream, Nino woke up terrified, slightly sweating and panting, too scared of what he dreamt were to became reality.

He then fell asleep again, and luckily, had no more of those dreams. He woke up at 9am as he had fallen asleep four hours ago, he knew he should sleep more, but even though he forever loved sleeping, right now he just couldn't.

Running away from reality, as he had done all this time Ohno and Satou were gone, he started playing Mario Bros. in the Wii, almost forgetting everything.

While sitting on the floor with his laptop in his side, he saw Ohno get online, finally, he had come back from vacations with his family.

He waited until he cleared the level he was at, which took no more than three minutes and put himself as 'online' for he had kept himself 'hidden,' afraid Ohno wouldn't log-in if he saw Nino online, that is, if Ohno was really actually avoiding him.

"I want to talk to you," Ohno sent as soon as Nino appeared online, making Nino nervous, heart beating faster, ''I want to talk to you' = break up?' Nino immediately thought as he read Ohno's first message.


"wait... idk how to put it..."

"does it have to do with why you were avoiding me?"

"avoiding...?? I guess you can call it that..."


"why what?"

"why were you avoiding me!?" Nino got more and more mad and annoyed with Ohno for never being clear with his words and straightforward.

"I felt guilty, that's why."


"I don't think I can continue going out with you."

Nino read that last line more than he could count, so many feelings came to him at once. Sadness, because Ohno didn't want him anymore. Disappointment, for all the promises that were just broken in a mere second, and most of all: anger, for not understanding why he suddenly decided to break it off and why he thought that, weren't they just happily in love two weeks ago and also mad at Ohno for confessing to him, if he had never confessed to him, Nino was 100% sure he wouldn't have never fallen in love with him, but since he too knows himself too well, he knew he would eventually fall in love with those who confess their love for him, that is if Nino finds them nice to be with and talk with.

Two minutes had gone by and out of the million words he thought of, the only word Nino managed to type out was "why?"

Wrote all this yesterday when having a test, meaning I was stuck in a room for 8 hours D:
so I had 3-4 hours to spare, I swear I thought I looked like Light from other people's eyes, I was so into it xD

well, of course without the killing parts xD

so.... this is the last chapter :DDDD

just kidding ;DDD

raise your hand if you expected this(the break-up) to happen?

now, comments= love♥

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